Thinking Anglicans

phone calls not letters

Remember that business about letters from the Archbishop of Canterbury to selected bishops? See for example, this earlier article.

Well, now read this in the Living Church Canterbury Calling: Archbishop on the Phone for Lambeth

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’ Pentecost letter to the bishops of the Anglican Communion was not the anticipated communication in which he reportedly would ask bishops to predicate their attendace at the Lambeth Conference this summer upon their willingness to accept the recommendations in the Windsor Report.

A spokesman said Archbishop Williams had modified his plan to write to bishops whose stated positions ran contrary to the colleagial gathering of equals he envisions for Lambeth. Instead, Archbishop Williams has been in telephone contact with a number of bishops, asking that they honor the integrity of the meeting, the spokesman told The Church of England Newspaper

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16 years ago

And the SPIN just keeps on comin’… :-/

16 years ago

I’ve written about this here.

It closes this episode; it weakens the Covenant and its original intention yet again.

16 years ago

“A spokesman said Archbishop Williams had modified his plan to write to bishops whose stated positions ran contrary to the collegial gathering of equals he envisions for Lambeth.”

One has to wonder to whom this refers….

It does not refer, of course, to Bishop Robinson of New Hampshire. He is less equal and not invited – unlike those attempting the theft of properties in other provinces and claiming authority outside their jurisdiction.

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

Maybe we should be a little wary of the “source” in this instance. We have seen this before.

Being printed on Diarrhea-coloured paper doesn’t make spin less spin.

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

Here’s what Bishop David Anderson thinks about this letters business: On the international scene, we remember that it was only a few weeks ago that the Rt. Rev. Tom Wright, was telling everyone that a “get tough” letter was coming from Lambeth Palace to the TEC bishops who didn’t support the Covenant and were part of the group who consecrated Gene Robinson. Many of us wondered whether Tom Wright was going to be “wrong again” or whether, given his close contact with Lambeth, maybe he was onto something – or then again, maybe he was being used. The long-awaited… Read more »

16 years ago

The coming Lambeth media blitz – a welcome sight as global media are not all that interested, usually, in Anglican church life goings on? – will surely further reveal the simple fact: VGR and all those related to him in good conscience – is still on the outside looking in. At least, if we look through institutional lenses so recently dusted and polished by Canterbury in favor of negative traditions and legacies (against folks just like VGR all around the world to some extent). It is especially nice that Canterbury and the conservative realignment have spent some time refurbishing the… Read more »

16 years ago

On the subject of letters dimissory, David Anderson is an expert. As I wrote about a year ago: “David Anderson, as reported by The Episcopal News Service, has “transferred his canonical residence” to CANA. I assume he received letters dimissory from the Diocese of Springfield, where many who have been called categorized “conservatives” or called themselves “orthodox” have canonical if not physical residence. (Cf. Diocese of Springfield for a clergy listing). The Church of Nigeria, by its choice is not in communion with TEC, nor, as +Lee states, the Anglican District of Virginia in communion with TEC (+Minns suggests it… Read more »

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