Thinking Anglicans

Director of Communications becomes bishop

The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) issued this announcement:

21st May, 2008.

For Release to all Media Houses:


The Episcopal Synod of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), met at the Cathedral Church of Saint James the Great, Ibadan, Oyo State, on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, and elected the Venerable Akintunde Popoola of All Saints Church, Wuse, Abuja to the See of Offa, Kwara State, where the incumbent was recently translated. Also, the Venerable Geoffrey N. Chukwunenye of All Saints Church, Surulere, Lagos, was elected to the newly created See of Oru in Imo State.

The date and venue for their consecration will be announced later.

Venerable AkinTunde Popoola
Director of Communications

N.B : In Anglican ecclesiastical terminology a See is the area of jurisdiction of a diocesan bishop while Translation, as applied to a serving bishop, means transfer to another diocese

24, Douala Street, Wuse P. O. Box 212, ADCP, Abuja, Nigeria.
Tel: +234-9-523-6950, 523-0987/9,
Fax: 523-1527, 523-0986.

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Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

But bishops in Nigeria as well as elsewhere in the (former) Anglican Communion are not elected, are they?

But appointed instead?

John Omani
John Omani
16 years ago

From the evidence so far, this could be one of the worst ecclesiastical appointments since Caligula made Incitatus a priest and a consul.

A troubling development on a day of further disturbing news about homophobia in West Africa:

Marshall Scott
16 years ago

I think “election” is the right word. Where things differ is in who votes in the election. In some provinces, all clergy and laity vote in a diocesan convention. It sounds like in Nigeria the Synod for the whole church votes (and I simply don’t know whether that does or doesn’t include laity and clergy who aren’t bishops). And then there’s Mother England, where clergy and laity are consulted, but it’s the Governor of the Church of England who appoints; and I can’t say I’m sure that she’s the one who actually decides….

16 years ago

Curious to know the process of episcopal election / appointment in Nigeria. Is it by the Provincial House of Bishops or by a Provincial Synod which includes clerical and lay delegates as part of the process? Either way, it is fairly clear that the clergy and people of the diocese are largely left out of the process.

Either way, good for Tunde. Hopefully he will be a more effective bishop than he was a Communications Director.

Robert ian Williams
Robert ian Williams
16 years ago

You know the Anglican Church in Nigeria is growing so fast that I estimate there will be more Anglicans than Nigerians by 2020!

The GAFCONITES are very like the Communists when it comes to statistics.

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

Once again Marshall Scott, I draw attention to the process that the Church of England actually uses to select its bishops, see

It is not perfect and it is not American, but it does involve voting by a committee that includes members of the diocese in question, who have in turn been elected themselves…

16 years ago

The “Peter Principle” is alive and well, and is standard operating procedure in the Nigerian Church (“everyone rises to their own level of incompetence”).

Lord have mercy!

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

Tunde is a bishop! Well, congratulations are in order. All the same, given his behaviour here, I have to wonder what the Spirit was thinking. Still, who am I to question the Almighty?

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
16 years ago

Congratulations from Changing Attitude Nigeria (CAN) to the two new bishops who have been elected – Venerable Akintunde Popoola to the See of Offa, Kwara State and the Venerable Geoffrey N. Chukwunenye to the newly created See of Oru in Imo State. Changing Attitude hopes both bishops will be more faithful to the Anglican Communion and the listening process to which they are committed by the Windsor Report. As Director of CAN I hope and pray that Tunde will conduct himself with more Christian understanding than he has as Director of Communications for the Church of Nigeria , inventing lies… Read more »

Andrew Brown
16 years ago

I am reminded of Sydney Smith’s defence of the Apostolic Succession: how else is one to explain the Bishop of Winchester’s descent from Judas Iscariot?

16 years ago

Wow Jammeh and Tunde can pull together on the same penal ropes, cast round the offending homosexuals. Along with any suspected ones, along with any friends or suspected friends of ones, along with any family or suspected family of ones. Ah the lovely widening circles of penal-traditional discernment.

Surely this must, alas, be the conservative future of the worldwide Anglican Communion?

Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
16 years ago

Andrew – I thought it was +Exeter who was so described? Have I been targeting the wrong diocesan all these years?

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

I think David is right, Andrew.
Now for bonus points, who was the Bishop of Exeter to whom Sydney Smith was referring?

Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
16 years ago


(‘Points mean prizes’ RIP Humph)

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

Correct, Henry of Exeter was the man.

Read about him here:

16 years ago

In spite of our major differences — though I have never conversed with Tunde+ myself — I would like to extend my congratulations to him.

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
16 years ago

My congratulations too to the two bishops-elect, regardless of how they were elected. After all, I have a sneaking suspicion that God sometimes works through supposedly “non-democratic” processes. 😉

16 years ago

Henry Phillpotts wrote of J B Sumner, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, that he was “a favourer and supporter” of heresy, and added “I cannot, without sin – and by God’s grace I will not – hold communion with him, be he who he may, who shall so abuse the high commission which he bears”.

Better English was written in Exeter in 1851 than in Abuja in 2008, but plus ça change…

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“So we will miss an opportunity to meet each other and for Tunde to hear the truth from me.” Davis, Tunde can’t hear the truth from you. First, it would not be politically expedient. Second, your situation is a part of a much bigger selfdeception on his part. The Church of Nigeria is the holy Church defending the Gospel against the post colonialist heathen. I don’t know how much of it is postcolonialist racism, maybe I only think that because if I was Nigerian, I’d be bloody well angry at the smug post colonialist Europeans and Americans. This has been… Read more »

L Roberts
L Roberts
16 years ago

Wow ! Includes ‘voting by a committee’ !

Well, that’s just fine then. ….

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
16 years ago

I’ve copied what Ford Elms wrote into a Word document, so I can refer to it every time I get angry – I think it is a good piece of advice and an excellent corrective when I don’t understand why Tunde and others like him just “don’t get” what we’re saying and refuse to admit we’re Christians just like them.

And I think I’ll use the blessing at the end for the season of Pentecost. Thank you, Ford.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago


*blush* Don’t thank me, thank Stweart Payne, former bishop of Western Newfoundland, and our rector for many years at home. A very saintly man.

16 years ago

@Ford Elms:

I quite agree, with the added remark that the more you bash someone over the head (either literally or verbally), the less likely you are to convince them of much of anything, aside from your own ill will.

The temperature of the “dialog” (such as it is) has only served to make people close their minds that much more. And that goes for both sides, though Tunde+ (soon to be +Tunde) is a good example of the kind of reaction one can expect.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

Walsingham, What I am about to say will no doubt be taken as racism by some, but it isn’t. I think culture plays an important role in all this, though not the one usually cited. Where I come from, we are a verbose, opinionated, sometimes grandiose crowd. We believe governments are supposed to be big and intrusive, rather like the Russians. Not all of us are, of course, but it is a cultural trait. Look at Saddam’s ridiculous defiance, he had to know he had no chance, but his culture demanded that he save face. Australian natives thought it polite… Read more »

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