Thinking Anglicans

opinions at the Festival of the Visitation

Joanna Collicutt asks in the Guardian Are we “hard-wired” to believe in God?

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about John Wesley’s polygamous brother-in-law.

In The Times Anil Bhanot presents A Hindu view on the challenge to the sanctity of life.

Simon Barrow writes about Globalisation for Ekklesia see Hearing hope through the babble.

Nick Spencer writes for Fulcrum about Neither Private nor Privileged:
the role of Christianity in Britain today

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about Penalties of chaos in Chelsea.

The Church Times leader is about the Festival of the Visitation. See The song from the silence.

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16 years ago

The various studies which begin to suggest – in a most tantalizing yet preliminary manner – that a tilt towards spirituality is hard-wired into our bodies open doors to a new rapprochement of the tangible and the intangible, just as advances in quantum physics and brain sciences have done.

Thanks to all those people who have struggled so hard with addictions for helping us to open these perspectives, in new and tantalizing and even startling ways.

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