Thinking Anglicans

General Synod not to discuss motion on Islam

For background to this matter, see the Church Times blog entry General Synod to debate evangelising other faiths.

Now, the Telegraph has a report by Martin Beckford headlined Church of England accused of censoring debate on Islam. Regardless of the headline, it appears definite that the item will not be debated in July.

A spokesman for the Church of England insisted the debate on the missionary role of clergy had only been dropped because the other Private Member’s Motion had more signatures.

He said: “Owing to time constraints, the Business Committee has been able to schedule only one such motion for July, on the subject of Church Tourism, which heads the list in terms of the number of signatures from members.”

This is indeed the case, see the list here.

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16 years ago

Someone who works for General Synod was telling me a few weeks ago about the significant pressure that was developing on Synod’s agenda; indeed he was thinking it was quite likely that an expensive November Synod might have to be called such were the number of motions and amount of legislative business that was emerging. So, despite conservative conspiracy theorists, there’s no attempt to stifle debate (it’s now bound to come up in other debates), simply the usual procedures being followed. I can’t admit to being a little disappointed that we’re not debating it this time round, however, because I… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

Now, here’s how this works. Synod is asked to make a statement on the uniqueness of Christ and the appropriateness of “evangelizing” other faiths. Synod, one hopes, is not willing to come out and say that everyone who isn’t a Christian is going to Hell and the Church must seek the salvation of these people by any means necessary. It might prefer to make some statement about the uniqueness of the Christian message, even respectfully affirm that we believe the truth of our message for all humankind. It might even claim that Evangelization is better done by example than threat… Read more »

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
16 years ago

Don’t forget the popcorn, Ford.

That’s the classic conservative line, apart from “the faith once delivered,” that “pluralism” denies the “uniqueness of the Christian message.” Not to mention that the fall of Christianity in public life has been responsible for the rise in crime, etc. (as one former liberal who swung the other way told me early last May).

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

Exactly, Ren. We were society’s moral arbitor for so long, happily forcing everyone to do what we said, that we now think that was some sort of God-given state, that we SHOULD do this. The anger, fear, and I honestly believe, pain that many conservatives feel about this makes it impossible for them to even consider that maybe we should look, as Christians OUGHT to look, for other ways to bring the Gospel into the public arena. Look at the triumphalism in the continued claims that liberalism is causing profound drops in church attendance. It is very clear to me… Read more »

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