Thinking Anglicans

GAFCON: more on +Rochester

Riazat Butt writes in The Guardian about last night’s speech by the Bishop of Rochester: Christians must recover nerve, says Nazir-Ali.

A 38-minute recording of the bishop’s speech is now available in the AnglicanTV GAFCON archives or directly here.

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16 years ago

Yes, he certainly has a nerve !

16 years ago

An AMiA blogger reveals a couple of interesting points: 1. GAFCON attendees have been told not to reveal details of ‘the secret plan’ on their blogs. 2. there does seem to be an internal struggle between those who want to leave the AC and those who want to stay. “There are great things being wrought here for the orthodox Anglican body. We have been asked not to comment on our blogs about details, but let me say that we will not be disappointed at the end….and will, in fact be greatly encouraged by what the Holy Spirit is working in… Read more »

16 years ago

He asks, “How many people have bee trying to prevent it !” (Gafcon)- a statement not a question.

But I ask the question, “How many people have been trying to prevent it (if any)?

Let them have plenty of rope ! –say I

from Fervent supporter

16 years ago

Yep, everything is certainly not all rosy at GAFCON: “It is becoming clear, I think, that we have a long way yet to go. There are some deep disagreements here regarding some important (and less important) issues. We will need to treat each other with grace and charity in the days ahead. That said, there is hope here. We will need patience as we move forward, but we do have a hope that we can move forward. We may make mistakes as we attempt to walk together, but we do have a confidence here that there can be a faithful… Read more »

16 years ago

Can this scientific response ever be justified ? — even in these extremis circumstances

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

The bishop know only to well the divisions behind the GAFCON wallpaper over the very meaning of the Gospel, sacraments, womens ordination and the issue of divorce and re-marriage.

That is why there will be no split , there is no real unity , based on Biblical truth amongst Gafconian Christians!

Charles Nurse
Charles Nurse
16 years ago

Treebeard – This ones even better. Especially considering who is involved.

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
16 years ago

Charles Nurse: wow, that’s compelling viewing, what an extraordinary clip!

William de Villiers
William de Villiers
16 years ago

These developments are wonderful news. I have written the AofC to let these people be on their way. He didn’t read my letter. But they’re starting to leave of their own accord. Oh joy! Perhaps now we can rebuild a church which is a bridge, the Via Anglicana – and not a door. One day they may meet us in the middle and with us give thanks to God.

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