Thinking Anglicans

GAFCON: final statement

These sites are carrying the text of the final statement from GAFCON.
Episcopal Café

The StandFirm version refers to a correction that the other two sites do not have at present.

It is also here.
This appears to have the correct version of the correction.

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16 years ago

It’s ironic. Stand Firm put it up and then quickly took it down again, but not before others got hold of it. It wasn’t meant to be released to the media until after approval by the Conference tomorrow! Now they, and T19 have, had no alternative but put it back up. George Conger has written a pretty cross post to SF!

16 years ago

There’s a lot of negativity on SF too. Seems a shame to bitch so publically, but hey what do I know. Honest at least.

If only Gafcon it self had manage more honest reality.

I regret that my totally honest view of them would be unprintable.

I just don’t know who they think they are.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

A subjective test for orthodoxy…for is not Priestly female ordination unorthodox practice for he could re-evangelise Uganda, kenya and Rwanda! However it is not criticised at all in the Declarartion. No mention of our Lords teaching on divorce as these self styled “orthodox” do not agree as to what it means! Lip service to the 39 articles, as Anglo-Catholcs carry out practices condemned by them…but will happily sign! Signed on a Roman feast day….St Peter and Paul, the BCP 1662 only has the feast of Peter, Apostle! BCP 1662 definitive and authoritative! No prayers for the dead, benedictus and… Read more »

16 years ago

It rewrites Anglicanism:

The primates Council will decide on what is orthodox, and what is not, will give oversight where it is not (to those who are) and the logical extension is new provinces as Robert Duncan and company will set up a new one in North America recognised by the Primates Council. It is a takeover from Canterbury and every geographical Anglican Church ought to shut the door to this takeover attempt to give oversight according to narrow definitions of orthodoxy.

16 years ago

The backbiting on the earlier stages of the StandFirm thread indicate that George Conger and Gregg Griffith had advance copies of the statement. Conger’s posts, in particular the statement to Gregg Griffith “Shame on you for ruining the final day of the conference”, accusing Griffith – rightly, it seems – of being the source of the leak [apparently unintentionally], pretty well put paid to what remaining claim Conger might have to be an objective commentator on the schismatic process.

16 years ago

When you say “written a pretty cross post”
that is an understatement.
At SF they spend three quarters of the comments from 10-78 bickering amongst themselves. Some samples:
“Shame on you for ruining the final day of the conference.” (30)
“I could give a flying #@$@ about all this garbage” (78)



Colin Coward
16 years ago

Not a schism, then, but a church within a church, a movement which ceases to respect the primacy or authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a movement which includes diocesan and area bishops of the Church of England. The movement isn’t going off to become a separate church but will work to change Anglicanism from within. The warnings of my American friends that we in England will be confronted with the same pattern of parishes and dioceses seeking some kind of independence from the national church moved a step closer yesterday. Give the legal constraints of establishment, it’s difficult to… Read more »

16 years ago

I think that this is putting off the inevitable. As GAFCON becomes more of a separate organisation, then it will develop its own momentum and the wider Anglican structures will become less and less relevant to them – as their own structures develop more and more a life of their own. It will also become more the case that the internal contradictions will take up more time and consideration. Of course, liberals and broadchurch people wn;t be going away, particularly in the CofE, and I think experience tells us that those who do partially separate end up becoming quite marginal… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago


Archbishop Peter Jensen..Womens priestly ordination is unbiblical, and unorthodox and we are not having it here in Sydney. Its a corruption of western liberal culture.

OH hello Orthodox brother Archbishop Orombi, come and sit down, and Christine ( mrs Jensen)will get us a nice cup of tea.

Archbishop Orombi ..we are firm belivers in the ordination of women as a Biblical and Orthodox truth.

Some persons are more orthodox than others!

An intereting equation.


Guess Archbishop jensen should have persisted in his law studies.

16 years ago

I still think the whole thing will end in civil war. The Anglo Catholics (like +Iker and xSchofield) are left in the lurch here. Women’s ordination remains unresolved, and the exact nature of Biblical authority will probably emerge as a source of contention. There are literalists, and not-so-literal readers of the Bible in their ranks.

They will probably start using those new ecclesiastical night sticks on each other.

16 years ago

When the dust settles we will see that Gafcon’s winners are the Australian and English conservative evangelicals, who will now, in their respective countries, proceed with their own agenda. All Souls, Langham Place – now there’s a strange dedication for an evo cathedral – anyone? All else, North American province – unworkable, because of clashing “churchmanships” – included, is incidental.

For all the talk of “post-colonialism”, the Central African provinces have been played like a violin by their former colonial masters. In this game an African primate is a pawn, not a bishop.

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
16 years ago

Contrast this shabby declaration with the decison of the jerusalem Council, where ST Peter spoke and all held silence. Ah yes, vivat Papa! 😉 Would you be happier, Robert, if bishops at Lambeth realized that Henry VIII made a huge mistake and declared that they would submit to Rome at last? And perhaps all the Lutherans as well while we’re at it? Just wondering. You may criticize GAFCON, but I suppose you have a different outcome in mind. I come from a largely Roman Catholic country, and I will wager that many of our RC bishops have the same thinking… Read more »

George Conger
George Conger
16 years ago

Sorry to pop your conspiracy theory bubble, Lappinbizarre but all accredited media received a copy of the statement last night before the time of scheduled release.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“I just don’t know who they think they are.” GAFCON members are the Faithful Orthodox Remnant, persecuted by the world. This persecution is carried out by liberals who have no faith, no morals, and who are savagely trying to destroy the Church and Her Gospel, which they do not believe. America is the homeland of said liberals, and they have there been largely successful in driving the True Church back into the catacombs with their evil persecution of said Faithful Remnant. This is interesting since, as I noted elsewhere, America has more selfconfessed Christians than most other countries. Fundamentalist Christians… Read more »

16 years ago

Which does nothing to blunt my point that the nature of your reaction to Gregg Griffith’s leaking the document puts paid to any claim you might have to be an objective commentator on the ongoing schismatic process, Mr. Conger

Cheryl Va.
16 years ago

Opening paragraph “The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. (Psalm 147:1-2)” Amen and right back at them. In come the outcastes to Zion to be called God’s people (Isaiah 51:16), including eunuchs (Isaiah 56:3). Hosea 2:1 “Say of your brothers, ‘My people,” and of your sisters, ‘My loved one.'” and 2:23 The Lord “will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’; and they will say ‘You are my God.'” Also the forsaken Isaiah 49:13-17 “Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD comforts his… Read more »

16 years ago

>>>8. We acknowledge God’s creation of humankind as male and female and the unchangeable standard of Christian marriage between one man and one woman as the proper place for sexual intimacy and the basis of the family. We repent of our failures to maintain this standard and call for a renewed commitment to lifelong fidelity in marriage and abstinence for those who are not married.

Does this mean that Bishop Wantland, Canon Roseberry, and other leaders of the “orthodox” will now have to return to their rightful spouses?

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

Yes Ren, I would like to see all Chritian people safely on the Rock of Peter. However I do think it is a betrayal of truth , when Bishops who sig this declaration will return home to openly defie the strictures of the 39 articles on eucharistic reservation and worship!

After all is not that the very compalint of Gafcon about what they claim is the TEC revisonists attitude to truth.

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

“… all accredited media…”

By whom?

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