Thinking Anglicans

Presiding Bishop visits Salisbury

Christopher Landau of the BBC has a report Sexuality stance ‘embarrasses’ Anglicans.

Episcopal News Service has this report by Matthew Davies of her Sunday activities in Salisbury, Salisbury diocese welcomes Presiding Bishop, Sudanese bishops for pre-Lambeth hospitality initiative.

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16 years ago

Ms Schori’s sermons are available here, (The word documents are linked in the reference by Mr Sarmiento.) Truly astounding and appalling. A must read. I find it hilarious that Jesus spelled out the meaning of the parable of the seeds, and she still doesn’t get it.

Her main qualification for the presiding bishopric seems to be a lack of a Y chromosome.

Fr Mark
16 years ago

robroy: she is not “Ms” but “Bishop” Schori. Please have the decency to use the correct title, whether or not you like her.

Simon Dawson
Simon Dawson
16 years ago

I was at the 0810 morning prayers in Salisbury Cathedral on that day, and for me it was a good corrective to all of our current anxieties. The service (recorded for the BBC – encouraged a meditation on the state of our Anglican church. On the one hand there was modernity, with a woman cathedral dean presiding, a woman (arch)bishop preaching and (horror of horrors) a girls in the cathedral choir stalls. Yet partcipating in the same service there was the Archbishop of the Sudan and his Bishops, partners of the Salisbury Diocese for 35 years, with their witness… Read more »

16 years ago

robroy Perhaps +Katharine has read some commentaries on the Gospel – such as those at – which comment on the profligacy of the sower and his apparent wastefulness of seed, in an area of drought and famine. No farmer in Jesus’ time would have sowed seed as that farmer did – seed was too precious. But God is generous enough to sow seed in even the most inhospitable places to give people a chance to grow in his Word. Given that PB Schori clearly knows more about the Gospel passage than you appear to, what is your qualification for… Read more »

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
16 years ago

“Given that PB Schori clearly knows more about the Gospel passage than you appear to, what is your qualification for denigrating her in such a way?”

Robroy won’t say so, but I suspect it’s because he’s male and she isn’t.

David Mooney
David Mooney
16 years ago

I heard Bishop Katharine in a Q&A session in Salisbury Cathedral on Monday evening. She dealt with some difficult questions calmly, with grace and with great competence. She was very, very impressive and the vast majority of the audience were plainly delighted to have the chance to talk with her. I came away feeling that The Episcopal Church in the US is blessed to be led by someone of her calibre.

Richard Lyon
Richard Lyon
16 years ago

I’ve watched a couple of the internet video cast that KJS has done. Politically I see things in a light similar to her views. However, it seems to me that people who disagree with her views would, in any real sense of fairness, have to be impressed with her competency as a communicator. That is an essential part of leadership.

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