Thinking Anglicans

ten years ago

While we are all waiting for news to emerge, or not, from the 2008 Lambeth Conference, I thought it might be of interest to remind TA readers of the reports I wrote ten years ago, from the 1998 Conference.

You can find them all here, at the archive kept by SoAJ.

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16 years ago

l think that bishops from Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda not coming is schism. lf they said that part of Anglicans worldwide while must Archbishop AKINOLA force other Nigeria bishops not involved themselves in this discussion. Whatever his opinion are it unchristian not to engange. l know most Nigerian bishops would love to be Lambeth but simmply because of finance and power drunk Archbisbop Akinola

16 years ago

The former Lambeth reports in progress are interesting reminders that this whole sex business has been long set up – thanks not least to Lord Carey who helped see to it that a closed position on Status Quo conformity trumps listening, even while we issue papers about listening. It is all very Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail. I will take our global available light from Dr. King and from Ghandi and from Dr. Tutu any day over the alternative conformity leadership coming out of so many acknowledged conservative Anglican realignment leaders. But then that is my immediate… Read more »

kieran crichton
kieran crichton
16 years ago

Olu, are these not the very same bishops who recently begged Akinola to withdraw from his retirement plans?

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