Thinking Anglicans

Tuesday on the lawns at Canterbury

I’ve no idea what a “cage match” is, but Jim Naughton described one that didn’t happen here yesterday.

See Live: the cage match that wasn’t.

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Tom Allen
16 years ago

I read this account last night and could not stop laughing – it just illustrates the chaos in the press core, their lack of understanding of what is really happening at Lambeth, and their desperation for the big story. A cage match by the way is an enclosed wrestling match with few or no rules – the participants just fight until one submits. Perhaps if one had been offered as part of the programme for Lambeth and for a solution to the Gay Bishops question then Peter Akinola and his army of Bishops might have come – it seems to… Read more »

Jim Naughton
16 years ago

I thought the language of the Worldwide Wrestling Federation had worldwide currency. Imagine my disappointment.

Peter of Westminster
Peter of Westminster
16 years ago

Yes — a cage match is a modern version of the ancient pankration — the mesh covering the steel cage minimizes blood splatter outside the ring.

Hope there is a follow-up detailing some of those “self-exculpatory versions of this story.”

16 years ago

Cage match at e.g.

No bishops though. Bishops fight nastier 😉 (joking). For one thing, they don’t stay in their own cage these days.

16 years ago

The most difficult thing to watch about a cage match, other than the mayhem, might be bishops in skimpy Speedo spandex, no? Great fun, then.

susan hedges
susan hedges
16 years ago

Please, no bishops in Speedos!! Thank you.

16 years ago

No bishops in Speedos? Not even in purple?

Dang, and here I was sniffing a new market in liturgical clothing.

Reverend Ref
Reverend Ref
16 years ago

Bishops in Speedos . . . Good gawd . . . there goes my blissful night of sleep thank you very much.

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