Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: catching up on reports

The BBC Northern Ireland radio programme Sunday Sequence can be listened to via the BBC iPlayer. Last week’s programme hosted by William Crawley can be heard here, until next Sunday.

There is a segment on blogging at the conference, about 24 minutes in that lasts about 6 minutes. It includes contributions from Bishop David Chillingworth, and also from me.

Another article that I wrote on Saturday can be read at Wardman Wire titled Lambeth Conference – Touching Base: Guest Column by Simon Sarmiento.

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15 years ago

I enjoyed the whole of your piece but was especially delighted by your reaction to PB Schori – such a contrast to all the cheap, mean, malicious stuff one reads on so-called ‘orthodox’ blogs (whose orthodoxy, of course, is highly selective).

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

And what an absolutely stunning revelation of the influence of 2 of the women at Lambeth in your article, Simon. In a Conference peopled mainly by patriarchs, it was refreshing to read about the TEC Presiding Bishop, Katherine Jefferts-Schori’s input on the global envrionmental crisis – from her point of view as an oceanographer; and the presentation by Dr. Maria Accrofi, from West Africa, who was brave enough to describe the abuse of women and children at the hands of male soldiers and members of the U.N. ‘relief’ forces, in African countries. And some people in the Church still believe… Read more »

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