Thinking Anglicans

report on CAPA meeting

George Conger reported in the Church of England Newspaper on the recent joint meeting of primates and standing committee of CAPA in Nairobi.

His full report is on Religious Intelligence at African Anglican leaders call for dialogue.

The chairman of the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) has called upon the African church to put aside its differences and engage with its theological opponents within the Anglican Communion. CAPA should eschew a political solution to the divisions over doctrine and disciple Archbishop Ian Ernest said, and focus instead on the church’s transformation through Christian witness…

The version of this report at Global South Anglican omits an interesting final paragraph:

Archbishop Ernest told he was unable to attend the meeting, due to a back injury, and his address was read to the assembly. Rwandan Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini chaired the meeting in his absence. A delayed flight prevented Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola from attending the meeting, while Ugandan Archbishop Henry Orombi was obliged to leave early. The conference communiqué will be released shortly, Archbishop Ernest said.

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Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

The final paragraph of Archbishop Ernest’s report to CAPA says it all: “Archbishop Ernest told Religious he was unable to attend the meeting, due to a back injury, and his address was read to the assembly. Rwandan Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini chaired the meeting in his absence. A delayed flight prevented Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola from attending the meeting, while Ugandan Archbishop Henry Orombi was obliged to leave early”. Akinola was not there (the Wind of the Spirit delayed his flight perhaps?); Henry Orombi was ‘obliged to leave early’ (gone to phone a friend ?), and the Chairperson of CAPA… Read more »

George Conger
George Conger
15 years ago

Nothing nefarious here in the different versions … the final paragraph was cut from the print version for space reasons … but the full text appeared in the online version.

Add sales have been brisk at the CEN of late.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
15 years ago

This may not be the place to ask, but since there doesn’t seem to be an e-mail link anywhere on the blog:

Why is there no comments link on the Nigeria General Synod article?

Simon Sarmiento
15 years ago

Because I made a mistake. The error is now fixed, and comments on the Nigerian General Synod are now open…

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

Well at least, Simon, comment on the Nigerian Synod, and Archbishop Akinola’s diatribe, is open for comment on this web-site, which is more than can be said for its discussion in Nigeria, where there is obviously more than a little collusion between Church and State.

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