Thinking Anglicans

more reports of NEAC

Updated Monday afternoon

The resolution considered at NEAC is given in this report. See also this thread on Fulcrum for more about the procedural aspects.


Keith Sinclair

Pete Broadbent

Chris Sugden

The presentation by Christina Baxter is awaited.

Meanwhile, Graham Kings has written an analysis, which appears on Comment is free as What would Wilberforce do? and also on Fulcrum where it is titled The Restoration of Evangelicalism: Differences without Division.

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16 years ago

This is a good a definition of entryism as is needed (Chris Sugden): “We refuse to abandon our space in the Church of England. …We will keep formal administrative links with the formal Church of England, but our real identity is with Global Anglicanism as defined by the Jerusalem statement and declaration. GAFCON is our connection to the Global Anglican Communion. The GAFCON Primates and bishops are the true successors to John Stott. The Canterbury network is unsure and even confused about what Global Anglicanism means….” Turnbull and Sugden are the “vanguard” of the evangelicals, to push this agenda through… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“the Church of England professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds” “express our support for the Jerusalem Declaration” Well, they should make up their minds. Both these statements cannot be true at the same time. “For ten years clear orthodox biblical and Christian teaching about marriage has been flouted in some Anglican provinces, dioceses and parishes around the world. No action has been taken. Protestors have been deposed, removed from their orders, and sued for their property: not only in North America.” Ho for the war! Hold the Fort! How long?… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“GAFCON carries all the wrong messages for English Anglicans.” – Pete Broadbent on FULCRUM – SO: Sugden and Broadbent already at loggerheads over the threat of Evangelical loyalty to GAFCON! What a fascinating meeting it must have been. However, at least Bishop Pete recognises some debt of loyatly to the ABC, the Church of England, and the Anglican Communion. One can only hope that cooler heads will prevail amongst the majority of Evangelicals in the Church of England, and that the disastrous path of division being wrought by the disaffected at GAFCON will be stemmed before it is too late.… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“If you don’t want a vote, fine”, said Turnbull from the chair. “In that case the Church of England Evangelical Council will take its own decision.” From the audience: “Then why consult us?” Turnbull: “I would appreciate if you did not interrupt me.” Someone else in the audience: “Depends what you say.” – Wim Houten – Reporter from the Dutch Evengelical Press. This extract from proceedings at the NEAC Meeting which followed on from the action of the Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford (Chair of CEEC) in distributing a last minute Motion of Support for GAFCON; describes the tension among… Read more »

16 years ago

As one who has practiced hardball politics and was once acknowledged as among the very best floor fight coordinators in a Canadian political party, I find Turnbull’s actions amateurish, inept, counterproductive and simply bizarre.

As a Christian, I find them scandalous.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

Ron, Do you really think that the present Bishop of Liverpool has the stomach to take on Turnbull. Bishop Jones will do exactly what your bishops are doing about Nelson diocese, brush the problem under the carpet. Let another lot of bishops pick up the pieces, when the whole matter comes to a head. Interestingly can a diocese opt out of the New Zealand Provincial Constitution?

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago


I think you should ask the newly-installed bishop of your former Nelson Diocese, which hosted you and paid for your theological education before you crossed the Tiber, about that. Only he can tell you whether he can take his diocese out of the N.Z. Province. I cannot.

Reqarding your question about the Bishop of Liverpool’s intentions regarding any sort of censure of Mr. Turnbull, perhaps you need to communicate directly with him on this issue.
Maybe you could ask your own Roman Catholic Bishop in Liverpool – he may just know the answer.

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

Less than fulsome support for CEEC from David Phillips at Church Society, see Evangelical equivocation at

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“The evangelical movement in the Church of England has never been united but the differences within it today seem far greater than in the past and they surfaced at the meeting. It may be that this is better than having them fester in the background but it was not a particularly edifying meeting.” – David Phillips, General Secretary, Church Society Perhaps Doctor Turnbull, and the other Doctor in the GAFCON Camp, Mr. Sugden, need to withdraw and lick their wounds from this latest spat on the Evangelical Front. Clearly, most of those present at this meeting have shown their disdain… Read more »

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