Thinking Anglicans

columns after Epiphany

Michael Symmons Roberts writes in The Times: dream songs of faith, doubt and the God of rescue.

Barry Courtier writes in the Guardian that Metaphors can provide a useful way of forming an understanding of God.

George Pitcher wrote for the Telegraph that The Horsham Crucifix isn’t ‘horrific’.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times about Being there to pray for the debtors.

Mark Vernon wrote at Comment is free about Darwin’s year.

Simon Barrow wrote at Ekklesia: On not being left eyeless in Gaza.

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andrew holden
andrew holden
16 years ago

It’s a shame that Simon Barrow so nicely corrects one widespread religious misunderstanding about the ‘lex talionis’ and then replaces it with his own pejorative misrepresentation of Just War theory. I can’t think of a recent war, including the war in Gaza, where Just War advocates have cosied up to the principalities and powers by uncritically endorsing or blessing their actions! In fact most Just War theorists in the churches have been emphatic in their criticisms of military actions from Iraq to Gaza – two misrepresentations don’t make a right!

16 years ago

So far as 2009, and recalling Darwin, go. The coming year could be a wonderful opportunity for all global thinking Anglicans to deeply and open-endedly engage in reaffirming – not pat conservative theories about general-natural revelation and particular-scriptural authorities in a closed discernment cosmos – but rather about the entire functional range of our modern best practices which need to come into play as we explore and talk and understand through a glass darkly, all across our many differences. I am less than wildly optimistic, though, about these possibilities actually coming to fruition in global Anglicanism. So far not a… Read more »

16 years ago


I’m absolutely in agreement with you. For me, the man (or, the woman, or, the gay person) is Keith Ward, who really does confront these issues full on and absolutely fearlessly. Although he writes too much too fast and there’s a lot of overlap, I thought his recent ‘The Big Questions in Science and Religion’ was brilliant. I really do find him sustaining and nourishing.


16 years ago

“For me, the man (or, the woman, or, the gay person)…”


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