Thinking Anglicans

two American news items

Updated Sunday lunchtime

First, George Conger reports in the Church of England Newspaper that those Brazilians, who earlier had affiliated with the Province of the Southern Cone, have now decided to migrate to the new grouping being formed in North America. See Brazilian diocese links with the Americans.

The synod of the Diocese of Recife has voted to leave the shelter of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone and affiliate with the third province movement in North America.

At its Dec 4-6 meeting in Jaboatão dos Guararapes the ex-Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB) diocese voted to join with the ex-Episcopal Church dioceses of Pittsburgh, Quincy, Fort Worth and San Joaquin, along with a number of continuing American and Canadian Anglican and African-led jurisdictions, to form the new province.

The move from the Southern Cone to the third province will take place in June at the Anglican Church in North America’s founding convocation in Fort Worth…

Update Sunday
Anglican Mainstream has published this Important correction from Diocese of Recife which says this is not correct.

It was a surprise to all of us from the Diocese of Recife to read the title and the internal affirmation of the article “The Synod of the Diocese of Recife has voted to leave the shelter of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone and affiliate with the third province movement in North America”. We had no debate or deliberation in the Synod of this subject…

Second, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Morgan Stanley has frozen the accounts of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh because it is unsure who should be allowed to access them. See Schism causes Morgan Stanley to freeze Episcopalian accounts.

Financial services firm Morgan Stanley has frozen the accounts of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh because it is unsure who should be allowed to access them.

In a letter Jan. 13, the firm said it would not allow any further distributions until it received a court order listing those authorized to use the accounts…

Related to this, the diocese has published Information On Recent Court Filings by Southern Cone Group.

On January 20, 2009, the attorneys for former Bishop Duncan and other former leaders of the Diocese who now regard themselves to be affiliated with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone filed three motions with the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County seeking to oppose the “Request to Special Master” that had been filed jointly by the Diocese and Calvary Episcopal Church on January 8, 2009…

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Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
16 years ago

What is this latest confabulated configuration?

The Ebb and Flow of forming a faux Anglican Province made up of disgruntled excluders are now melding together for group tour/travel rate? Is this just another hysterical/mythical world of groupies twisted into seemingly ¨being¨ by Iker, Duncan and Schofields tiresome pontificating?

Let´s see, would this one be the REAL TRUE and Authentic Portuguese Anglican Texas Pitts and Death Valley Fellowship?

Exclusivity, unity and instability at every stomach turn.

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“Although Recife ordains women to the diaconate and priesthood, the decision to conform its canons to (the canons of) the new province (CANA) and forbid the consecration of women priests to the episcopate passed overwhelmingly. A spokesman noted the vote was taken the same day as Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti ordained the Rev. Pamela Schmaling to the priesthood” – George Conger – Smart move, eh? No promotion for Pamela, though. There was a dance we used to do when I was much younger called – ‘The Conga’ – where everyone made their move in time to the music, hoping that you… Read more »

16 years ago

I really found this line interesting, “Recife also agreed to amend its canons to bring it in line with the new province passing an ordinance forbidding the consecration of women priests to the episcopate.” I’ve heard some of the women in Pittsburgh say they’d renounce their vows if their being ordained would present problems for the new Province. I think that might be in the offering. As for the money and Morgan Stanley, it’s only wise since eventually the Anglican diocese of Pittsburgh will eventually lose the court case and the true diocese will eventually gain control of the assets.… Read more »

16 years ago

Since when was Brazil part of North America? What’s next, Sydney? I hope everyone in the AC realises that this is huge. If the ACNA accepts Recife as a member they have effectively declared themselves as international and willing to embrace members from all parts of the AC. It appears they not only want to replace TEC and ACC, they want to replace the AC itself. I hope the primates take careful note of this; the ACNA may be more than happy to include those in their very own provinces.

16 years ago

The Church ACNA will have to rename itself.

It cannot be ACA. I suggest ACICA: Anglican Church of Ice Cream America so that this clearly excludes the Southern Cone.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

And will the ACNA include the handful of parishes of the Reformed Episcopal/ Free Church of England in England, that have remained in communion with the Reformed Episcopal Church!

Also why not expand into Africa, and take on board the 150,000 strong Church of England in South Africa which infringes two Anglican jurisdictions?

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“Also why not expand into Africa, and take on board the 150,000 strong Church of England in South Africa which infringes two Anglican jurisdictions?” – Robert I. Wiliams – A bit of futrther fantasy for Robert I. Williams: It could well be, Robert, that as the Pope is now reviving the episcopal integrity of the former Holocaust-Deniers from within the miasma of the Society of Pope Pius X, these dissidents from the Anglican Communion – together with the former Diocese of Recife – might find a home somewhere within the Roman Catholic Empire. Stranger affiliations have happened, and Rome does… Read more »

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
16 years ago

I gather that besides the Diocese of Recife within the Episcopal Church of Brasil, and the Diocese of Recife affiliated with the Southern Cone, there are two other bodies claiming Anglican descent from earlier schisms. Pretty sad when you consider how small the Anglican presence is overall…it suggests big fish in a small pond to me….and big egos perhaps

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

Sorry Ron but they would have to give up women priests and deacons as well…and all submit to unconditional ordination. However most of the Brazilians are ex catholic and they probablly couldn’ be re-ordained.

I don’t think the Society of St Pius X teaches that the holocaust did not occur, but Williamson has some odd views..including the idea that women should not wear trousers!

Any way he is not recognised as a Bishop..simply unexcommunicated.

16 years ago

How big is the Church in Brazil?

John B. Chilton
16 years ago

Conger has added a correction, or shall I say a curious correction: “The source for this information, a news report on the Recife diocesan website, has since been taken down. The other facts as reported in this story are correct, the bishop writes, save for this one point. I regret the error. GC”

mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
16 years ago

S’no good RIW. I find Williamson’s restoration to the Church’s eucharistic fellowship by the Pope both abhorrent and bewildering.

I know of a faithful RC family who have been excommunicated because their new traditionalist pp discovered a divorce twenty years ago. And there we have it, anti-semitism is apparently compatible with the Gospel, divorce and subsequent remarriage, despite a stable, committed family life, is not.

Much of me longs to be united with the greater western Church. But not at this price.

16 years ago

“I find Williamson’s restoration to the Church’s eucharistic fellowship by the Pope both abhorrent and bewildering…anti-semitism is apparently compatible with the Gospel, divorce and subsequent remarriage, despite a stable, committed family life, is not.” David Rowett

Well, folks, I don’t know what one can expect from a former member of the Hitler Youth and the Nazi Werhmacht. Oh, yes, I know, I know. They had to “twist his arm.” Yet, many youths of his generation managed to avoid such memberships.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“I don’t know what one can expect from a former member of the Hitler Youth and the Nazi Werhmacht. Oh, yes, I know, I know. They had to “twist his arm.””

I would expect such a person to be completely unable to understand why some people would not choose to conform in order to get along, to not be able to comprehend that people do not automatically defer to authority. So, basically, I’d expect him to behave like a Pope.

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