Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – further reports

Updated Tuesday

The Church Times has two articles available without subscription. (There will be many more in the next two weeks as detailed reports become available to non-subscribers.)

Approval of women bishops clears its latest hurdle

Clergy to be barred from BNP

Also, the Church Times blogger Dave Walker has some “behind the scenes” pictures.

Justin Brett now blogging as The Dodgy Liberal has written here about the debate on the Uniqueness of Christ last Wednesday.

Martin Beckford wrote at the Telegraph Synod: The temple of money and the altar of multi-faith dialogue.

George Pitcher at the Telegraph wrote Whittam Smith predicts Armageddon.

Tuesday updates

Justin Brett wrote a further article, see Synodical Ruminations Part 1 (Covenant) and see also the MCU document produced for this debate, at Briefing Paper for General Synod Members February 2009 (PDF).

And also another one on Synodical Ruminations Part 2 (BNP Etc.)

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Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“He (Bp. Nigel McCulloch) said the final code of practice would come from the House of Bishops, and warned that there would be searching and unwelcome dilemmas over the next 18 months. “Let none of us expect others to set aside convictions that they hold as deeply as our own. Instead, let each ask what it might mean for each of us to go the extra mile for our brothers and sisters in Christ”. What the good bishops is asking for here would appear to be almost impossible. For each side to stick to their own views (as expected) and… Read more »

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