Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – detailed Church Times reports

The Church Times publishes detailed reports on Synod debates. They are normally only available to subscribers for the first week. So far the ones below are generally available; there will be more next Friday.

WOMEN BISHOPS: Go extra mile, bishop pleads as Synod wrestles with women bishops

DR WILLIAMS’ ADDRESS: ‘Those who disagree won’t go away’

CONSTITUTION: New way of being Church House

BNP MEMBERSHIP: BNP support ‘incompatible’ with ordained ministry

CHURCH AS COMMUNION: Cardinal: ‘Division impoverishes us all’


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16 years ago

Rowan preaches no exclusion of sections of the church! Now that is rich.

What about Bishop Gene Robinson? He was excluded from Lambeth. And by his exclusion were many American Episcopalians excluded, too.

Lambeth wasn’t some gathering of everyone who met together in spite of their differences. It was based on exclusion and because of that Lambeth was meaningless.

I suppose that it is too bad for Rowan that gays and lesbians and the American and Canadian churches “won’t go away.”

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

I think that Dennis’s comment about the exclusion of Bishop Gene from the last Lambeth Conference is quite valid. His presence at the Conference would probably (by hindsight), though, have made no difference to the fact that his detractors were intent on snubbing the Conference. However, I/we am/are making this remark after the event. It must have been very difficult for the ABC to have agreed to his inclusion – without including also the faux bishops ordained by certain of the African bishops for the purpose of infiltrating the American and Canadian Anglican Churches. It was a dilemma at that… Read more »

Mary Clara
Mary Clara
16 years ago

Gosh, is there video available of the Synod wrestling with the women bishops?

16 years ago

As far as I can tell, all the Bishops consecrated within the Anglican Communion members in Rwanda, Nigeria, Uganda and Southern Cone have been correctly and orthodoxically consecrated. They should all have been invited to Lambeth. Bishops ministering to over half the communicant members of Churches within the Anglican Communion were excluded from the conference!

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
16 years ago

Dennis’ point is telling.

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“Bishops ministering to over half the communicant members of Churches within the Anglican Communion were excluded from the conference!” – Jeremy – Jeremy, are you saying that the bishops ordained by the provinces of Rwanda, Nigeria, Uganda and Southern Cone – especially for infiltration into the provinces of USA and Canada – were, quote, -“Ministering to over half the communicant members of Church within the Anglican Communion” ? I’m sure that the USA and Canadian Anglican Churches would be amazed that they constituted, quote: “half the communicant members of the Anglican Communion”! No other bishops (than the ones here quoted)… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“because of that Lambeth was meaningless.” Well, I recently had a conversation with a bishop who was at Lambeth who tells me otherwise. There were Africans there in defiance of their bosses, who said, only half jokingly, “Do you need any clergy? I might not have a job when I get home.” It allowed the divisions in the conservative monolith to be seen. It made people realize the difficulties others were working under, it gave lots of opportunity for the people being lied about, well most of them anyway, to be seen, not as evil pagans trying to destroy the… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“they absented themselves” Oh no, you have it all wrong. You see, the ABpofC did not keep out all the evil pagans from the West who really don’t believe anything at all and have allied with the uppity women and the fags to destroy all that is good and holy in the world. I mean, how could anyone expect these holy men of God to actually sit in the same room and listen to such people, much less share communion with them? No, they were forcibly excluded from Lambeth the minute +Rowan decided to allow the attendance of the apostate… Read more »

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