Thinking Anglicans

Decriminalisation in Nigeria

The United States government has announced it will support the UN resolution concerning decriminalisation of homosexuality.

This is a resolution that the Vatican did not support, but about which it did say:

“The Holy See appreciates the attempts made in [the declaration] to condemn all forms of violence against homosexual persons as well as urge states to take necessary measures to put an end to all criminal penalties against them.”

Savitri Hensman has written at Comment is free that Nigeria’s attack on human rights has no virtue. She writes:

…Yet several church leaders have spoken in favour of the bill, including Rev Patrick Alumake, who claims to represent the Roman Catholic Church, though his stance appears to defy Vatican policy. While hardly gay-friendly, this opposes criminalisation. It will be revealing to see how Rome reacts.

Another champion of the bill has been Archbishop Peter Akinola, though the international Anglican Communion, to which his church belongs, has repeatedly called for human rights for all, including homosexuals.

In a statement supporting the bill, Archbishop Akinola starts with his own (contested) interpretation of the Bible, and warns, “Any society or nation that approves same sex union as an acceptable life style is in an advanced stage of corruption/moral decay. This bill therefore seeks to shield Nigeria from the complete annihilation that will follow the wrath of God should this practice be accepted as normal in this land.” He goes on to make further extraordinary claims: “Part of the purpose of God is to ensure that human existence is sustained through procreation. God blessed them ie Adam and Eve and told them, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1: 28). Same sex marriage is a violation of this divine injunction and will only endanger human existence.” The fact that these dire predictions have not come to pass elsewhere in the world does not deter him.

Despite the major historical contribution made by Africans (including Nigerians) in winning recognition for and defending human rights, he is dismissive of these: “We must take note of the various stages of pernicious western influence in our nation and continent … The present clamour for unrestricted human rights especially in relation to same sex union is yet another ploy to unleash more mayhem on this nation.”

The Archbishop’s portrayal of the threat posed by gays and lesbians would appear to justify even the harshest measures: “Same sex marriage… is a perversion, a deviation and an aberration that is capable of engendering moral and social holocaust in this county. It is also capable of existincting (sic) mankind and as such should never be allowed to take root in Nigeria.” In this apocalyptic worldview, it can be too risky to love one’s neighbour as oneself…

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16 years ago

Slowly, slowly he isolates himself, but a dangerous man in what he is setting out to achieve.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“Any society or nation that approves same sex union as an acceptable life style is in an advanced stage of corruption/moral decay. This Bill therefore seeks to shield Nigeria from the complete annihilation that will follow the wrath of God should this practice be accepted as normal in this land” – re criminalisation of LGBTs – No! Not a papal pronouncement, but it could easily be one – except that the infallibity here is claimed by none other than the Archbishop of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican?), Peter Akinola. This prelate’s continuing denunciation of Western democratice countries, and their liberalisation… Read more »

John B. Chilton
16 years ago

Simon, your headlines at TA are (always?) matter of fact. This one doesn’t seem to be. Did you mean “Decriminalization in Nigeria, NOT”?

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“The United States today formally endorsed a UN statement calling for the worldwide decriminalisation of homosexuality, a measure that former president George W Bush had refused to sign.” – The Guardian Newspaper – And thank God for that! The fact that the George Bush Government refused to endorse the ‘statement’ declares how blatant was his opposition to the rights of the LGBT community – a situation which the enlightened adminstration of President Obama has now put right, by agreeing with the majority verdict of the U.N. on this important issue of human rights. It may be that Nigeria, and the… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“Thank God for the United Nations, which seems to be following the Gospel path of liberalisation better than some parts of the Church,” Not that I’m saying the UN oughtn’t do this or anything, but this again adds fuel to the fire. This will be seen as the Godless World attacking the Pure and Holy Faithful Remnant. Even the UN is against us! See how persecuted Christians are! Everybody’s against us because we are holy. The world hates us because it also hated Him, that sort of thing. Watch. If Bp. Popoola is still hanging around, I’d expect some sort… Read more »

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