Thinking Anglicans

opinions during Lent

Christian peacemakers must play a major role in healing Northern Ireland’s pain, says Roy Searle in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Morals: the one thing markets don’t make said Jonathan Sacks yesterday in The Times.

Roderick Strange writes in The Times today about Embracing the precious gifts of our Lenten practice.

At Total Politics Andrew Hawkins reports on a survey to answer the question, Is the Church of England still the Tory Party at prayer?

Tony Blair wrote an article for the New Statesman on Why we must all do God, and Andrew Brown wrote a critique of this at Comment is free titled Doing God – the vague way.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times that Humankind needs limits for reality.

The Church Times has a leader headed God as father and mother.

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16 years ago

Jonathan Sacks’ article was a thought-provoking summary of the current financial situation. I am not fully convinced that industrialists and financiers of the past had a stronger moral code. Government regulation was very lax during the lead up to the 20s crash, and the markets then were notorious for dodgy sales tactics. There may have been a better age in between the new laws in the aftermath like Glass-Steagall and the deregulation of the eighties. It is certain that there was a huge shortfall in ethics in the markets in the last boom – risk taking through to fraud, and… Read more »

16 years ago

I agree with all that by Andrew Brown about religion and criticising Blair’s use of them for vague uplift, but another way of seeing today’s religion and conflict is not that they are forces of the future but rather spent forces that are in transition, don’t like it and transfer to a more naked political power game. My view of Islam is that it has a huge chip on its shoulder, having been bypassed in terms of expected superiority, and now having very little to offer regarding the intellectual world it once led, and up against religious and civil competition… Read more »

16 years ago

Sentences which begin with the words “my view of Islam is…” always make my heart sink. Which “Islam” are you referring to, Pluralist? The Islam I encounter on a daily basis is certainly not “reactive,” although much of what I see on my television screen clearly is. But the image you present of Islam as inherently backward-looking and defensive, though popular with orientalists like Bernard Lewis and Patricia Crone, hardly seems to adequately account for the spiritual lives of a billion-odd people. And on what basis do you judge the religion to have such a paucity of interest for enlightened… Read more »

16 years ago

For a different view of Islam, try:

Exterior shots in the first two seasons were shot in the community where I live, and the mosque (and the attached Anglican church) were the former buildings of a parish where I was once the honourary assistant. They’ve since rebuilt most of the exterior sets in a town down the highway.

The website says that some of the content is only available from within Canada. I’m sure you can find things on YouTube.

16 years ago

I am surprised the analysis by Andrew Hawkins didn’t really look at age and gender – the ComRes report’s findings even at a fleeting glance tell me (unless I am getting it plain wrong) that older women are more likely to be in tune with theistic worldviews, while younger men on the whole are more likely to adopt atheistic evolution. I think these would be more sure indicators of what was happening in UK Anglicanism, and why it was happening in relation to politics, than the at least implied ethnic slant. On the other hand, my own church is pretty… Read more »

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
16 years ago

For a different view of Islam, try:

Thanks for this. Unfortunately I couldn’t cope with the flashing film clips that zoomed in, nor could I find the main body of it or choices. But the flashing I meant I had to duck out fast. What a shame. I think we need various views of Islam here. Where I live I am surrounded by Islam and its everyday practice just is, along with everything esle.

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