Thinking Anglicans

Revision Committee membership announced

A press release from the Church of England announces the full list of names of those who will constitute the Revision Committee for the draft legislation enabling women to become bishops in the Church of England.

Press release: Women in the episcopate draft legislation: Revision Committee announced

We already knew the names of the members of the Steering Committee:

  • Rt Revd Nigel McCulloch (Bishop of Manchester) (Chair)
  • Very Revd Vivienne Faull (Dean of Leicester, Deans)
  • Dr Paula Gooder (Birmingham)
  • Ven Alistair Magowan (Archdeacon of Dorset, Salisbury)
  • Revd Canon Anne Stevens (Southwark)
  • Mrs Margaret Swinson (Manchester)
  • Mr Geoffrey Tattersall QC (Manchester)
  • Rt Revd Trevor Willmott (Bishop of Basingstoke, Southern Suffragans)

And we already knew the name of the Chair of the Revision Committee:

  • Ven Clive Mansell (Archdeacon of Tonbridge, Rochester)

What is new is the names chosen by the Appointments Committee:

  • Mrs April Alexander (Southwark)
  • Mrs Lorna Ashworth (Chichester)
  • Revd Jonathan Baker (Oxford)
  • Rt Revd Peter Broadbent (Bishop of Willesden, Southern Suffragans)
  • Ven Christine Hardman (Archdeacon of Lewisham, Southwark)
  • Revd Canon Dr Alan Hargrave (Ely)
  • Rt Revd Martin Jarrett (Bishop of Beverley, Northern Suffragans)
  • Revd Canon Simon Killwick (Manchester)
  • Revd Angus MacLeay (Rochester)
  • Mrs Caroline Spencer (Canterbury)
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16 years ago

Clearly, a decision has been made at the highest level to try to keep FiF in. I hope it succeeds.

16 years ago

It looks rather disproportionately weighted towards opponents of women bishops. This I don’t understand, I suppose that it means that Baker, Beverley, Killwick and McCleay should in some sense ‘own’ the legislation that passes through, but I worry that we will end up with the sort of institutionalised schism that they want and many of us fear.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

The Church of England seems intent on creating a sub-species of woman bishop and male clergy ordained by them.

A short term fix, which will only strengthen those who seek to keep their property, endowments and their “theological integrity” and become a Church within a church.

FIF have nowhere to go..yet they can hold the Church of England to ransom!

Well done Rowan..

Women….. wake up and oppose this apartheid solution.

16 years ago

How is it rather disproportionately weighted towards opponents of women bishops Wilf? Are they not in the minority on the committee? And what exactly is it you mean by “fear?” Are we really so fearsome? I think it wonderful that they’re actually attempting to make space on the committee for a broad and balanced range of views. Surely that’s what the Church of England’s always been about in respect of the via media. We might just get something sensible as a result, and a measure that keeps traditionalists on board. All power to their elbow!

16 years ago

I wouldn’t say 5 opponents out of 19 (and 1 Bishop out of 4) is disproportionately weighted. Seems about right to me.A job well done by the appointments committee (which I believe contains one Christina Rees)

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

“… make space on the committee for a broad and balanced range of views…”

Broad? Opposed, perhaps.

Balanced? Not at all.

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“FIF have nowhere to go..yet they can hold the Church of England to ransom! Well done Rowan..’ Robert I. Williams – Well, Robert. Now might just be a good time for you to ask ‘il Papa’ to intervene on behalf of F.i.F. It could be that they might decide to join you by crossing the Tiber, rather than risk being infected by the feminisation of the Bench of Bishops in the C.of E. (I wonder, sometimes Robert which side you are really on: pro or anti women priests and bishops. Please make your mind up and let us know what… Read more »

16 years ago

I see Mr Williams is throwing in his usual stirring comments. I am at a loss as to why someone who has converted to Roman Catholicism feels justified in tellling members of the Church he left what they ought to be doing, especially when it stands in direct contradiction to the line of the that Church to which he has converted. What is going on here? Is it just rabble rousing, I wonder?

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

You know where I stand…the “third” province option is the Catholic Church, and I pray every day that Catholic minded Anglicans will find their way home.

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

I am very at home in the Catholic Church – but what has the RC denomination to do with that ?

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