Thinking Anglicans

G20 climate change and the churches

First, several British churches, but not the Church of England, published a statement this week, in advance of the G20 conference meeting in London next week.

Churches challenge G20 leaders on real leadership:

Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Church leaders have challenged the G20 heads of government, meeting in London next week, to show real leadership and ensure that solutions to the current economic crisis lead to action on global warming. They want the G20 nations to grasp the opportunity for investment in new technology, which will save energy and reduce carbon output. In particular, they are urging the richer nations to agree generous support for developing countries, so they can afford the initiatives they need to take.

Second, in connection with the Put People First rally in central London for jobs, justice, climate, there will be a Church Service at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on Saturday 28 March at 11 a.m. Speakers include Richard Chartres, Bishop of London.

Church Times blogger Dave Walker will be reporting on the day’s events.

Third, Archbishop Rowan Williams delivered the Ebor Lecture earlier this week in York Minster, on the subject: Renewing the Face of the Earth: Human Responsibility and the Environment. Full text and audio here. Press release here.

Dave Walker reported it as Religious communities “failing profoundly” in climate change response. and he has comprehensive links to secular press coverage of the lecture, which was extensive.

Jim Naughton criticised the archbishop in The Archbishop of Canterbury’s own shortcomings on climate change:

…Until he states clearly that powerful people in his own Communion don’t believe human activity contributes to global warming, and that he appeases these people so that they won’t split the Communion over the issue of homosexuality, he has little credibility on this matter.

If one examines the funding sources of the organizations behind the attempted Anglican schism, and the funding sources of the organizations that deny human activity contributes to climate change, one finds that they are sometimes one and the same…

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16 years ago

Re Jim Naughton’s observation: Touche’!

16 years ago

My view of the Archbishop’s lecture is here:

I think a lot of it is superfluous.

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

Jim Naughton’s challenge to the ABC, on the need to address such matters as LGBT concerns on the same level as that of his recent Ebor lecture on the Environment – by demonstrating at least equal concern for both constituencies – seems to be very timely. For anyone to champion the cause of concern for the geographical environment – on the basis of what is best practice and ethical for the world community; one must also recognise other elements in that community which cry out for common justice and a much-needed ‘climate-change’ in theology. It was interesting to note that… Read more »

Andrew Brown
16 years ago

You may all be overthinking here. Rowan’s idea of leadership is becoming increasingly clear. He likes to talk to people about interesting things he has read recently. If they get very angry, he talks about something else.

Pluralist’s summary of the lecture, by the way, was excellent.

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