Thinking Anglicans

North American news roundup

ACNA has published its draft constitution and canons, see ACNA Canons Published, Comments Welcome for more detail.

The Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) has paid the Anglican diocese of Niagara $20,000, which it was awarded for legal costs by an Ontario Superior Court ruling. See Diocese of Niagara awarded $20,000 in legal costs at Anglican Journal.

The Falls Church congregation which split from TEC has issued a request to help pay legal bills. See the text of the letter sent as a PDF, and for background on the property development mentioned, see this news article in the Falls Church News-Press. (H/T Episcopal Café)

And in Colorado Springs, there are reports of the successful transfer of occupancy of Grace and St Stephens Church. See ENS report Colorado Springs parishioners celebrate Palm Sunday homecoming, and also in the Colorado Springs Gazette For two churches, a new beginning.

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“The Episcopal Parish held a single liturgy (for Palm Sunday) at Grace Church, attended by an overflow crowdod about 600. more than twice its normal weekly attendance” – The Gazette, C.S. – Sounds like a wonderful celebration of the beginning of Holy week for the reconstituted parish of Colorado Springs, TEC. The triumph, like that of Jesus on his ride into Jerusalem, was not unmixed with suffering. BUT, we all know that Resurrection is to follow on Easter Day. May God richly bless this newly assembled congregation of The Episcopal Church in Colorado Spings. We share your joy at this… Read more »

15 years ago

reality has a progressive bias, me thinks.

15 years ago

Thinking Anglicans still doesn’t seem to have picked up the conversation regarding the bishop-elect of Northern Michigan, a conversation that has brought together an interesting mix of liberal, moderate, and conservative on matters of core/creedal doctrine.

15 years ago

I know (personally) of one parish that voted to leave TEC and everything connected to it (including the building). There was no fight, no litigation, no argument. The rector willingly forfeited his salary, rectory, and pension without dispute. As a way of thanking this rector for his integrity the bishop ordered clergy in the diocese to send dozens of people to the vacated parish for several weeks after the rector’s final Sunday. Then he invited the news media in so they could witness the “minimal effect” of the exodus of the rector and his “small minority of supporters”. In fact,… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Note how in the ACNA canons divorce and the right to re-marriage for laity and clergy depend on the subjective opinion of the clergy! the same policy as liberal TEC.

Also see how the “high Church” have had a victory by stopping recognition of non episcopally ordained clergy. A Roman Catholic priest can join ACNA but a baptist minister has to be re-ordained. This is a point to upset the evangelicals with.

15 years ago

Gotta love all that hearsay, Joe.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“A Roman Catholic priest can join ACNA but a baptist minister has to be re-ordained. This is a point to upset the evangelicals with.” – R.I.W. –

Is this an indication of your own possible future, Robert? I doubt though that many Roman Catholic priests that I know would have much to do with ACNA – even if His Holiness were to give his approval, which is doubtful.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
15 years ago

“As a way of thanking this rector for his integrity the bishop ordered clergy in the diocese to send dozens of people to the vacated parish for several weeks after the rector’s final Sunday.”

Bishops can, of course, order anything they want…but clergy cannot make their congregants do anything they don’t want to. We’re not soldiers under orders, after all.

Perhaps the people of the diocese in question merely wanted to show where the majority of Episcopalians stand.

Martin Reynolds
15 years ago

Fr Ron should cease making comments of a personal nature against RIW, it is both offensive and has long become very tedious.

Pluralist (Adrian Worsfold)
15 years ago

The debate about the ‘Buddhist Bishop’ does seem to be changing as this is not so much the focus any more. So what if he meditates using Buddhist techniques. There is a shift towards what seems to be liturgical innovation. I had a look at some of his texts and thought one part suitable for a Unitarian service I am taking on Easter Day: reference to doubt, other denominations and other faiths. He has everyone saying it together, but I realised I cannot. It is too Christ centred and would assume an assent in the congregation if said collectively that’s… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

“”A Roman Catholic priest can join ACNA but a baptist minister has to be re-ordained. This is a point to upset the evangelicals with.” – R.I.W. -“

Surely, Baptist ministers are not ordained?

A different barrel of fish, methinks.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

The point is that the evangelicals are no loneger in control. The Reformed Episcopal Church accepted non episcopal clergy without re-ordination..but to join ACNA it overturned this principle. No wonder Church Society put inverted commas around the appellation “orthodox”in referring to ACNA. This will prove their achilles heel.

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