Thinking Anglicans

reports from the ACC – Sunday

The Anglican Church of Canada has set up a news hub for reporting from the ACC.

The first official press briefing can be found at ACC-14 Press Briefing 2nd May 2009.

ENS has Members of Anglican Consultative Council prepare for meeting. More links to video coverage here.

The Canadian Anglican Journal has these reports so far:

Canadian Anglicans express high hopes for ACC meeting

ACC to decide whether draft covenant can now be sent to Anglican member churches for approval

Plenary ACC meeting opens

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Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

In a preliminary interview before the beginning of the meetings of the ACC in Jamaica, the Chair, Bishop John Patterson, stated that The proposal by conservative churches who have left the Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church for a new North American Province is not on the agenda of the meetings. – “To my knowledge” he said, “The matter has not been referred to us, it’s not part of the agenda”. (The ACC would be the appropriate body in the Communion to address the issue of creating a new province). – Anglican Communion web-site – Well, then! No… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

“The question here might be: what actual moves are going to be made by the GAFCON and other supporters of ACNA to secure a place within the confines of world-wide Anglicanism?” I suspect that CANA will wait until lawsuits in VA and elsewhere are settled OR they might decide to ask for admission sooner, anticipating these cases, or some of them, going to the Supreme Court. I expect the expense of the lawsuits as well as their travel budget adds up to quite a lot. Of course, silly Friend of Dorothy that I am, every time someone mentions “flying bishops”… Read more »

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