Thinking Anglicans

more press coverage of Nazir-Ali

Updated Monday morning

The Independent has three items:

News article: Condemnation for bishop who called for gay people to ‘repent’ by Lewis Smith

Opinion column: Forget about a ‘cure’ for homosexuality by Philip Hensher

Leading article: The bishop is embracing a lost cause

George Pitcher at the Telegraph has There’s no pride in bashing gays, Bishop:

…But his comments in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph, which he is expected to repeat today, that homosexuals should “repent and be changed” cannot pass unchallenged. Or rather, they should not go challenged only by homosexual rights campaigners, such as Peter Tatchell, who you would expect to be somewhat antipathetic to the expressed view.

Because Dr Nazir-Ali is wrong in the eyes of a broad swath of kind and tolerant people of differing sexualities, social mores and of the Christian faith, other faiths and no faith at all. Badly, badly wrong…

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Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

This is a change in tone.

The reverence we are used to seeing towards “religious” nutters when they claim that their anti Modern late-modern Social Political innovations are Timeless, “traditional” and Biblical, instead of anti Modern, traditionalist and Hellenist (“culture”), is gone.

A great Sign of changing Times!

15 years ago

George Pitcher isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but he has written a great, passionate defence of pluralist Anglicanism in all its glory. Hallelujah!

We all know which side we’re on here, but I really don’t think it is good manners to refer to the Bishop of Rochester in this truncated surname form. Do you, Simon?

Simon Sarmiento
15 years ago

I think it is entirely in order to use surname only in a headline.

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