Thinking Anglicans

support for the seven bishops

As happened previously with a Communion Bishops statement, a number of priests who are affiliated with Communion Partners have endorsed it. In this case, they pledged to fulfill the “non-episcopal requests” made by those bishops who met with the Archbishop of Canterbury on Sept. 1.

The Living Church reports that the 74 priests lead parishes with a collective baptized membership of 60,000.

See Communion Partner Rectors Endorse Bishops In Meeting With Archbishop of Canterbury

The undersigned Communion Partner Rectors [and] associate Clergy commend and support the initiative taken by the Communion Partner bishops in meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury on September 1, 2009 in order to discuss and clarify the present circumstances of The Episcopal Church, as well as his understanding of what entities might be eligible to sign and adopt the Anglican Communion Covenant.

We echo the commitment of the bishops “to remain constituent members of both the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church.” Our desire is also to use the present situation as an opportunity to make manifest our commitment to becoming “a part of a ‘Covenanted’ global Anglican body in communion with the See of Canterbury.”

In support of the bishops, we commit ourselves to the five non-episcopal requests listed in their report of September 7, 2009…

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Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“….In support of the (7) bishops, we commit ourselves to the five non-episcopal requests listed in their report of September 7, 2009….. (5). We will seek to build ministry relationships with dioceses and congregations in other provinces of the Anglican Communion…” – Statement of ‘Communion Partner Rectors’ – A fairly innocuous statement really; except, perhaps, for the underlying threat contained in item (5) of the ‘non-episcopal requests’ !! ! whatever that may mean. (How can requests made by a group of bishops be referred to in this way?) Is this statement a sign of ongoing rebellion on the part of… Read more »

15 years ago

Same old yadah, yadah, yadah.

15 years ago

Hmmm, seems like for the conservative Anglicans at least, being in first track community with Canterbury (post-covenant signing of course) will translate into being clearly antigay, period. That is how our ‘mind of the communion’ has been read, and surely how being in the new fangled coveant communion will be? I think all the antigay stuff has to get, right out into the open, a developmental stage. Only by being overtly antigay and in the process, doing some damage that you might later be able to perceive in retrospect, will offer any Anglican metanoia possibilities, that listening half of the… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“The undersigned Communion Partner Rectors [and] associate Clergy commend and support the initiative taken by the Communion Partner bishops in meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury on September 1, 2009 in order to discuss and clarify the present circumstances of The Episcopal Church, as well as his understanding of what entities might be eligible to sign and adopt the Anglican Communion Covenant.” – Communion Partners From the above, where the ACI-affiliated Rectors pledge their fealty to both TEC and the Covenant, it will be very important as to whether the emerging draft of the Covenant is such that TEC is… Read more »

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