Thinking Anglicans

LA and the Archbishop – Tuesday report


Stuff on this just keeps on coming in.

ENS Los Angeles women bishops’ elections create ‘bit of a wave’; tsunami of reaction, expectations

Bishop Alan Wilson What hath Kampala to do with LA?

Living Church Canon Glasspool’s Election Draws Pointed Responses

Kampala Monitor Orombi angry over new lesbian bishop

Ruth Gledhill has written Friend of Dr Rowan Williams feels ‘betrayed’ by his stance on gays.

The subject of that interview, Colin Coward, has commented in Betrayed by the Church’s stance on gays.

Earlier posts by Colin are here, and also here.

Symon Hill has written Questions for Ruth Gledhill and Rowan Williams.

And now, Ruth Gledhill has blogged Out and Angry: Colin Coward on being gay priest in today’s church.

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Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
15 years ago

Colin Coward is surely just one of many who feel betrayed by Archbishop Rowan. Those of us who saw his elevation as a harbinger of new life in the C of E and a more loving Christian attitude have been deeply disappointed.

15 years ago

Re Colin Coward, and others who feel “betrayed by Rowan Cantuar” NOW, I imagine Jeffrey John must be thinking “Where ya been?” O_o

15 years ago

The dust up that will surely be sought and provoked by the religious right, including Gledhill and Rowan Williams (who hardly like to think of themselves as mean-spirited, let alone strictly rightwing?) is a necessary reminder of the bottom line Anglican and culturally conservative agenda – NOT to be any more antigay than usual though a few bloodied bodies will ever be needed to mark the boundaries; but a full scale return to the Old Closets. That is pretty much exactly what all the going conservative Anglican thinking points to; we should forgive ourselves for noting the obvious. England, it… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“On Monday, Archbishop Luke Orombi’s assistant for International Relations, Ms Alison Barfoot, described as “funny and unbiblical” the choice of Ms Glasspool. “We believe the Bible condemns homosexual behaviour as immoral. So how can a homosexual be a bishop?” she said. “This decision of the Episcopal Church in America [the equivalent Anglican Church there] will only bring more problems and divisions.” – Kampala Monitor – Is this an instance of Abp. Orombi of Uganda trying to distance himself from the arguments – by using a Western Female P.A. to fire his poison darts at the LGBT community? It wouldn’t surprise… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

Bishop Alan’s blog questions the relevance of the reluctance of the ABC to issue any condemnation in public of the proposed draconian Ugandan legislation against homosexuals, while at the same time issuing public xcondemnation against the actions of TEC in selecting two women bishops (one of the in a stable gay relationship). I would disagree with Bp Alan on this point alone: that his action/non-action seems to portray his profound opposition to the cause of the LGBT community in the Church. This homophobic stance does not bode well for anyone who calls themselves ‘Christian’ – with a commitment to the… Read more »

David | Dah•veed
David | Dah•veed
15 years ago

Here I thought from the headline that the Jackal of Uganda had come from hiding to make a statement. Disappointed I was to see that it was none but his Statesonian barefoot sock puppet.

15 years ago

There are three strands of churchmanship in the CofE – liberal or “broad church”, Anglo Catholic, and evangelical. Of course, in every strand, activists in church politics are a very small minority. Rowan Williams was understood to be a liberal Anglo Catholic. The evangelicals always hated him. Indeed, when he was appointed, there were various papers doing the rounds from evangelicals about how he was not really Christian etc. He has never won their trust, even though he has kow-towed more to conservative evangelicals than any other group. So he’s got no support there. Never has had it, never will.… Read more »

Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
15 years ago

“He is denounced by liberals as a Quisling” – badman Nah, it’s just that liberal catholicism is dead in the water as a failed ecclesiology. Even screaming closet queens can be given the gift of the Spirit to impart the Word of God. It’s just that – as Lizzie’s molly boys would testify – living under repressive regimes can distort one’s whole approach to women and sexuality issues. But there’s ample scope for making amends. Queen Elizabeth thought lesbianism was just a straight man’s fantasy – which explains why the Bible is totally silent on the matter – but then… Read more »

Fr John E. Harris-White
Fr John E. Harris-White
15 years ago

If Geoffrey and John are saddened by the antics of ABC, they are not alone., There is throughout the communion, and particularly in the United Kingdom many of us who distance ourselves from the statements of ABC. We see a person now imprisoned by his civil servants, scared of the conservative evangelicals, and much in need of our prayers. We liberal catholics, who wish only to follow the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ , live by Gods Grace . God leads us along life’s path, not Rowan. God has called us to ministry, not Rowan. God will receive us… Read more »

15 years ago

For any who still do not know who Alison Barfoot is. She is an American whose right wing credentials go back to a doctorate from Gordon-Conwell (Calvinist-reformed theology, in suburb of Boston, now capitalizing on Anglican crisis with a new program for Anglican clergymen), Virginia work, and on to Overland Park in Kansas. She and Stephen Noll are both working in Uganda, Noll at Uganda Christian University, both with salary lines alleged to be funded out of the US Barfoot was responsible for the infamous memo developing a strategy for the off-shore, with or without letters dimissory, accession of TEC… Read more »

15 years ago

On the other hand — Gene Robinson has been Bishop of New Hampshire for 6 years. Much of the energy released by that event has been channeled into work on things like GAFCON and the Covenant, neither of which may ever amount to anything. Lambeth 2008 has come and gone. The election of Canon Glasspool has caused nothing like the reaction Bp Robinson’s election did 6 years ago. There are — so far — no emergency Primates’ meetings, no special commissions, no grandstanding by the African primates. Bob Duncan is no longer trying to trouble TEC but now spends his… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
15 years ago

Thanks so much to EmilyH for revealing the devious connections of the US radical right — including their fundamentalist Chrisitian allies — to their goal of the destruction of any part of “mainline” churches which have the temerity to speak Christian love to pseuodo-Christian power.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

” one has to to ask: what exactly are the reactionaries afraid of? That their own intellectual inadequacies will be exposed, and their ‘God-given’ authority diminished, by an influx of bright priests of different genders and sexual orientations? Or that, in a more inclusive forward-looking church, they will be exposed as the bigots they are, rather than glorified as spiritual leaders?” – George Morrison, The Times, 09 December – This, from the heart of an ‘ordinary Anglican’, who says he is ‘no theologian’; exposes the silly and damaging effects of hierarchical obsession with sexuality in the current stand-off in the… Read more »

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