Thinking Anglicans

Uganda: today's news reports

The Archbishop of Wales, Barry Morgan has issued a statement, via his press office:

“Whatever one’s standpoint on same sex relationships, the private members motion for an Anti Homosexuality Bill in Uganda is unacceptable. It could lead to the legitimising of violence against gay and lesbian people which is totally against what Lambeth 1.10 agreed in 1998 and its proposal for capital punishment against such people is barbaric.”

On the other hand another report from Wales shows that Stephen Green has a different view.

Warren Throckmorton reports Uganda National Pastors Task Force Against Homosexuality demand apology from Rick Warren. This task force claims to represent among others The Roman Catholic Church in Uganda (but not the [Anglican] Church of Uganda).

Reuters reports Ugandan gay community says prejudice to become law.

New Vision reports Govt defends need to legislate on homosexuality.

Voice of America reports Africa’s Anti-Gay Laws Spark Accusations and Denials in US.

ACNA has issued a statement. Read ACNA speaks out on Uganda anti-homosexuals bill. And also from Episcopal Café read Don Armstrong’s silence, and other news on that anti-homosexuals bill.

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15 years ago

The Warren Throckmorton piece is chilling. The Ugandan clergy seem inclined to believe any lie the Ugandan press sees fit to print.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

The disconnect between the meditations [O Oriens etc]and the news from Uganda – and the lack of news from Lambeth … astonishing.

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Speaking from his home in Pen-y-Bont, near Carmarthen. (Stephen) Green said: “As a Christian I agree with the death penalty and I don’t see why infecting someone with HIV should be treated in any other way than if you killed someone with a knife. It is extraordinary to think it is OK to infect someone else with HIV and get away with it” This ‘Christian’ from Wales does sound rather barbaric – and certainly not the sort of person to sit in a court of law – in a country other than Uganda or Nigeria. I don’t know what sort… Read more »

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
15 years ago

Pope Benedict met the Uganda president and gave him advice on agriculture….

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
15 years ago

“Speaking from his home in Pen-y-Bont, near Carmarthen. (Stephen) Green said: “As a Christian I agree with the death penalty and I don’t see why infecting someone with HIV should be treated in any other way than if you killed someone with a knife. It is extraordinary to think it is OK to infect someone else with HIV and get away with it” Quite. The charge here is “knowingly or negligently infecting someone with HIV”. What does that have do to with homosexuality? That’s a bit like saying that in order to prevent wives or husbands beating up their spouse… Read more »

15 years ago

Gee I’ve really been enjoying those Advent antiphon bits, so thanks lots. I know that the latest round of Uganda antigay news is just about as rabidly horrible and flat earth determined as we see or hear these days. In the long run, however, I think the darkness involved in traditional flat earth thinking about death penalties, queer folks, and similar Anglican discernments must simply be revealed in the white hot glaring light of reason and common sense, let alone believer pilgrimage and Jesus Freak Values. The Christian right loves to deny that it hold any animosity, let alone rank… Read more »

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

Yes it’s all ‘the disconnects’ in Christian theory and praxis that make so difficult to live with

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