Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – business done Wednesday

Summaries of Wednesday’s business at General Synod are online.

morning General Synod – Summary of Business Conducted on Wednesday 10th February 2010 AM

afternoon General Synod – Summary of Business Conducted on Wednesday 10th February 2010 PM

The second of these will not be complete until after the close of business at 7.00 pm.

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14 years ago

The following comment from TitusOneNine will be of interest to Synod members and others. I don’t think this is an empty threat, by the way. ACNA, FOCA, or GAFCON — whatever name they are known by, they have made this threat before. [quote] 12. Billy wrote: As someone wrote on Virtue’s blog, if CofE knows what is good for them, they will pass a full recognition motion in 2011 Synod or risk ACNA begin setting up churches in England, Scotland and Wales. There is an easy way to solve this problem for them – include ACNA as being in… Read more »

Tom Downs
Tom Downs
14 years ago

Looks like Billy’s comment was too embarassing to be allowed to stay. Gone now. Is this how the Chapman Memo leaked?

14 years ago

Charlotte, that got pulled — fast!
But, thank you for memorializing it here, where it won’t be pulled.
Several other posters made more, shall we say, dignified threats, but the intent was the same. There’s eves threats to use this highly symbolic resolution that signifies nothing in Virginia to press secessionists’ claim there.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Despite the warnings on Virtue’s blog, I do not think that the Church of England would ever get to the point of allowing foreign putative bishops into its provenance to take over the traditional home of Anglicanism. Your supposition here, Charlotte, accords ACNA & Affiliates much more actual power than they have within the Communion. Despite the rhetoric of the friends of ACNA within the Church of England, who did their very best to pass the original Private Members Motion of Ms. Ashworth, they did not get their own way. The amended motion allows pause for recognition (or not) of… Read more »

14 years ago

One of the schismatics should get alongside Billy and advise him that loose lips sink ships. He’s just let the cat out of the schismatical bag.

John Waldsax
John Waldsax
14 years ago

Given the recorded voting figures, and assuming the (ex-cised)speculation on TitusOnline was correct, how confident are TA’s that they can get 112 ‘yes’ voters to cross over and defeat a Primate / ABC supported motion to recognise ACNA ? I have assumed all opposers and abstainers in yesterday’s vote to be opposed now and in 2011.

Yesterday’s vote looks very much like a “Yes, but not yet” result.

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

The sociology of religion is very different in the UK than in the US. ACNA may well try to set up shop here but I cant see them having much success. There are a few breakaways groups as it is but there isnt much enthusiasm amongst british folk in general for worship in school halls and the like, and financially its a lot harder to make a success of such ventures because the english laity arent prepared to cough up as they do in the states. Also Establishment has played a part in keeping evangelicals in the fold. Evangelical anglicanism… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

[quote] 12. Billy wrote: As someone wrote on Virtue’s blog, if CofE knows what is good for them, they will pass a full recognition motion in 2011 Synod or risk ACNA begin setting up churches in England, Scotland and Wales. There is an easy way to solve this problem for them – include ACNA as being in communion w/ CofE. 2011 will be time to act or face a reality they may not want to deal with. February 10, 2:08 pm [close quote] Thanks to Charlotte for posting the above-cited bit of unintended honesty, which she found at TitusOneNine, from… Read more »

BillyD/Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

“Not to mention, Billy (whichever Billy you may be)”

Whichever one it is, it ain’t me!

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