Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Church Times detailed reports 2

The remainder of the detailed Synod reports from the Church Times are now available to non-subscribers. We linked to the first batch here.

Anglican Church of North America: Synod affirms ACNA desire to be in the fold

Legislation: Two jobs completed

Bibel Anniversary: ‘What looks dead and dusty can give you a shock’

Military Chaplains: ‘Support us; respect our work’

Violent Games: Members speak out against ‘inferno’ of computer games

Crown Nominations

Science and God: The scriptures ‘are not a scientific textbook’

Children and Youth: ‘Connected’ youth strategy welcomed

Farewell: The Bishop of Southwark

Civil Partners: Synod agrees to backdate pension rights

Mission Initiatives: Support, money, training needed for fresh expressions

Fresh Expressions

Church Buildings: Help us care for listed buildings, State is urged

Lectionary: Long tussle over the first lesson

Synod Elections

Methodism: Methodists urge more joint work and worship

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

The Church Times report on the debate about same-sex clergy surviving partner pensions restores my faith in the humanity and Christian generosity of majority members of the general Synod. Canon Giles Goddard certainly added gravitas to the debate, in his maiden speech to the Synod, by reminding Synod members of the Church of England’s need to show integrity on what is plainly a justice issue. Three Cheers also for Fr. Mark Bratton’s courageous motion. I used to think that the old hymn “Like a mighty army moves the Church of God” was appropriately translated “Like a mighty tortoise…” for the… Read more »

14 years ago

Like a mighty turtle
moves the Church of God.
Siblings, we are treading
on each other’s sod.
We are disunited:
not one body, we.
One in faith and doctrine
but lacking charity.

Onward Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
with the Cross of Jesus
left behind the door.

14 years ago

The people talking about science seemed to be talking about the compatibility between science and religion, hardly touched the incompatibility between some claims of realist and linear interventionist Christianity and evolutionary and quantum/ relativity science.

14 years ago

I wish I could be more cheerful about the prospect for a future relationship between the Episcopal Church/Anglican Church of Canada and the Church of England, but the debate, as reported, gives me little reason to hope. Lorna Ashcroft says TEC/ACoC deny the Resurrection and the Virgin Birth (etc). That is why their “orthodox” priests had to leave and form ACNA. Since then TEC and ACoC have retaliated, suing them, persecuting them, and defrocking them for holding ordinarily orthodox Christian beliefs. Well, all those statements are false. Totally false. But no one in the debate said so, and many in… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Do most people in the Church of England believe that what Lorna Ashcroft says of us is true?” – Charlotte – On balance, Charlotte, considering how the debate has gone so far, and that the Church of England feels some responsibility for the Victorianism of the African and Asian planted Anglican Churches, I think the C.of E., though it still has some way to go, is still moving in the right direction. One of the problems I feel, is that the moral high ground has been more than efficiently trumpeted by the ACNA Associates than by either TEC or the… Read more »

14 years ago

Charlotte –

It’s AshWORTH. (Do I detect the hand of the celestial Dickens?)

14 years ago

There is something really silly about the accusations.

When has the Episcopal Church denied the Resurrection or the Virgin Birth? There may be individuals who have doubts, but the Church — and all its churches and cathedrals and commissions of which I know — reaffirms in its prayers and sermons these doctrines on a daily basis. If anything, C of E churches are perhaps more skeptical than TEC churches.

There is nothing worse than a Big Lie, and some in the right wing of Anglicanism seem to be much inclined in that direction.

14 years ago

OOPAOOPS and thank you, Oriscus.

Robert Ian williams
Robert Ian williams
14 years ago

Lorna said that ACNA have held the line on marriage , when in fact they are as liberal on divorce and remariage as TEC.

Lorna praised Doctor Jim Packer, but didn’t add that whilst he upholds the 39 articles , he has placed himself under a bishop who discounts them and is a devotee of Our lady of Walsingham! Thus in direct opposition to article 22.

One law for an ACNA bishop and another for TEC and ACC.

Also if ACNA is so biblical , why can’t they agree on womens ordination?

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Canon Giles Goddard certainly added gravitas to the debate, in his maiden speech to the Synod…”
– Fr. Ron Smith –

Mea maxima culpa! I just read my contribution at the head of this thread and am mortified by my so obviously freudian slip. The Reverend & esteemed Canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral should have read -“Canon Giles Fraser”, not ‘Giles Goddard’.

My sincere apologies to both.

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