Thinking Anglicans

Archbishop of Dublin on the Anglican Covenant

The Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd John Neill, thinks that a two-tier fellowship may emerge in the Anglican Communion as the member- Churches debate signing the Anglican Covenant.

Dr Neill, who was speaking recently to members of the Marsh Society in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Dublin, said: “I don’t like two-tier fellowships, but it may be a way forward at the moment.”

Read the full article from the Church of Ireland Gazette:

Archbishop of Dublin fears emergence of ‘two-tier’ Anglican Communion by Patrick Comerford (scroll all the way down)

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Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“The Archbishop added that ‘all communion, at its best, is limited and, at its worst, impaired,’ pointing out that various forms of limited or impaired communion already existed within the Communion; for example, not all the Anglican Churches that were members of the Anglican Communion attended the Lambeth Conference, the Primates’ Meeting or meetings of the Anglican Consultative Council.” – Church of Ireland Gazette – And some elements of the Anglican Communion have already excised themselves from the Communion by their schismatic activities in North America. These are the very elements that are now asking the Church of England to… Read more »

15 years ago

The Covenant is not a ‘way forward’. It is a way backward from the bonds of affection and communion which we, the Anglican Communion, presently enjoy. The noisey cry for its creation and ratification comes from those who wish to destroy and not to preserve. When will the good Archbishop and his episcopal brothers & sisters realise this and STOP thinking of it as an interim holding position? It is nothing of the sort. It is not the best we can do for now. It may well be the worst thing we could do for decades!

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
15 years ago

Here we have it: No two tiers, no one tier, No Anglican Covenant at all thanks to Lionel Deimel of the steadfast and loyal Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh (listen to one who knows).

Lionel Deimel, HERO, click HERE,¨No Anglican Covenant¨

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

” I am, however, ready to suggest that Episcopalians and other moderate and progressive Anglicans must begin now a campaign against any Anglican covenant, lest our churches approve whatever comes along out of simple but misguided Anglican civility.” – Lionel Deimel – I think that Lionel has latched onto the intrinsic ‘weakness’ of normal western Anglican communion relationships dependent on trust. This should not be so, but when we have the likes of Akinola, Orombi, and Venables in charge of certain ‘sola scriptura’ provinces – not to mention the non-provincial back-room voice of the Archbishop of Sydney – the words… Read more »

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