Thinking Anglicans

Los Angeles suffragan consents – more reactions

The Fulcrum Leadership Team has published Where do we go from here? in response to the consents to the election of Mary Glasspool as bishop suffragan in the diocese of Los Angeles.

In response Matthew Davies at Episcopal Life has published ENGLAND: Conservative group denounces consent to Glasspool’s election in Los Angeles.

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Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Speaking from the See of Virginia, to borrow Fulcrum’s curious phrasing for the Diocese of New Hampshire, I am pleased about Bishop elect Glasspool’s election and consents. The legal issues between the Diocese of SC and TEC were initiated by SC’s actions in claiming to be themselves the sole authority in SC, and not beholden to TEC. This is not a new thing for Sount Carolia – we all expected them to go and fire on Ft Sumpter again. It may surprise Fulcrum to know, that after the events of the last several years, including bouondary-crossing bishops and the attempted… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

Bishop Elect Glasspool deserves the support and love from all people of goodwill and it should come from Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant and Anglicans Christians. This remarkable woman will make a fine bishop. The Archbishop of Canterbury should lead the charge of support, love and affirmation of this immanently qualified shepherd. The forces of darkness are trying to scare Rowan Williams. We should pray for the ABC and open all forms of dialogue with him. The more light that is election and consecration of this remarkable this woman, the better. I speak as a Vatican II Catholic and I have… Read more »

14 years ago

If these people want crystalline doctrinal clarity and worldwide agreement on it, why are they Anglican?

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
14 years ago

So tiresome…really, the terribly troubled leadership, and their ¨righteous¨ cronies, of the Church of England can´t seem to find a way to be decent and straight forward with half of WORLD POPULATION and look at REAL CHARACTER (moral or not)of WOMEN. Choosing female preists who are certainly capable of being FEMALE BISHOPS (regardless of what Lord York and his little band of stuck/twostepping fidgets have to say) isn´t much of a struggle, not really, not at all…to claim WOMEN, of any sexual orientation, are causing discomfort/a ruckess amongst the purist of unsettled souls (and hurting their bigoted hearts) is simply… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“The key question is ‘what happens next?’ This week a Fulcrum statement declared, ‘Actions have consequences’. The first and most obvious consequence of this development is that TEC as a body has revealed it is incapable of signing the Anglican covenant” – Fulcrum – For an English pressure group, with a very limited influence within the C.of E. let alone the rest of the Anglican Communion, to make such a rash and over-the-top statement is nothing short of silly. to lambast TEC for moving on, after more than three years trial, from it’s commitment to test the waters of the… Read more »

Canon Andrew Godsall
Canon Andrew Godsall
14 years ago

It would be interesting to know who constitutes the Fulcrum Leadership Team. That could include two bishops – Graham Kings and Tom Wright. The statement is consistent with Tom Wright’s line on this over some time. I think what continues to bother me most about the statement is the way it boxes people in without real thought for the way things actually are. The ‘Fulcrum leadership team’ will be aware that the C of E has ordained people who are gay and lesbian but are not open about it. I’ve had that discussion on here before with Graham. So do… Read more »

14 years ago

“After all, the Church is here to serve – not to call the shots.”

Fulcrum, Williams, Wright, Scott-Joynt, Duncan, Iker and Lawrence:

Say 300 of these, go your way and sin no more, and pray for me, a sinner.

Fr John E. Harris-White
Fr John E. Harris-White
14 years ago

Chris Smith, your words are refreshing to my old ears. Thank you for all you have written. Mary Glasspool deserves and will get the love and prayers of all Christians who live by the Holy Spirit. As one retired Anglican Bishop said to me Forward in Fath? No backward in spirit. This is true ofd all those who would limit the unlimitless Love of Christ shown to us all on the Cross at Calvary, and given to us in the Mass.

Love and prayers.

Fr John

Peter Owen
14 years ago

Andrew Godsall asks who constitutes the Fulcrum Leadership Team. They are all listed here:

14 years ago

Jeremy, if yours wasn’t just a rhetorical question, I do have an answer. They are Anglicans because the Evangelical leader John Stott some forty years ago declared the Church of England “a convenient boat to fish from.” They followed him in, hired the boat, and then decided that they owned it. They mutinied and seized control, and now they are busy remaking the C of E in their own image. Their tactics will be familiar to Americans: the frequent threat to withhold parish assessments unless the leadership hops to their tune, for example. Then there are the inflammatory, culture-wars style… Read more »

14 years ago

Another small fundamentalist pressure group has issued another bombastic, self-important statement.

That’s practically a daily happening in Anglicanland.

14 years ago

No, Charlotte, it wasn’t a rhetorical question. So thank you for your perspective on the background. Agree with you that TEC should not be concerned at the prospect of having a looser relationship with such people. Just how small a pressure group they are, however, remains to be seen. The result in Synod of the private-member motion was a hopeful sign — but the vote should have been more lopsided against it. And we all know how the outcome was spun. One searches in vain for any indication from the Church of England, as an institution, that it disagrees with… Read more »

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
14 years ago

ne searches in vain for any indication from the Church of England, as an institution, that it disagrees with Fulcrum.

Posted by: Jeremy on Friday, 2 April 2010 at 2:51am BST

How about pension rights for civil partners of clergy ?

How about all the gay clergy knowingly ordained and welcomed into sundry parishes and dioceses down the years ?

14 years ago

“Bishop Elect Glasspool derserves the support and love from all people of goodwill …” Chris does she really? Probably if she were goodwilled herself. How can a bishop elect be living in a lesbian relationship? God forbid!! The only resonable thing you’ve managed to say, is to “pray for Mary Glasspool…” She needs prayers because what she is doing is a SIN and worse of all she doesn’t realise it. Fr John, are you a confused Anglican? It’s a shame! Can we not find godly priests in this generation who would stand up for our priests? (Lord Jesus, Great High… Read more »

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