Thinking Anglicans

reflections on Bishop Glasspool's consecration

Doug LeBlanc wrote in the Living Church Lambeth Silent after Glasspool Consecration.

Tobias Haller wrote about The Pluperfect Mindset.

Savi Hensman wrote at Cif belief Mary Glasspool is ordained.

Jim Naughton asked at Episcopal Café What if we are asked to dis-invite ourselves again?

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Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

If Rowan Williams hands over power to the far right wing fundamentalist elements of the Anglican Communion as a result of the Bishop Glasspool Consecration, he will do so at his own peril. In the eyes of millions of Christians and non-Christians, Anglicans and Roman Catholics and people of good will. The Anglican Right Wing elements will continue their march against anything new and different. If the American Episcopal Church and The Anglican Church of Canada are asked to disinvite themselves from future meetings and conferences, it is perhaps time to move on and distance themselves from the misogyny and… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Prophetic risk-taking was a hallmark of the movements for change that swept US society in the mid-20th century. Many Americans were socially conservative, though others sought more rights for workers, women, ethnic minorities and, in some cases, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender (LGBT) people. – Savi Hensman – CiF belief Comment – TEC is a Church of the Anglican Communion that has carried out it’s Christ-given mission of bringing release to the poor, etc., and for this she is vilified by conservatives in the Church who prefer the status quo of inaction – or at best delayed action on matters… Read more »

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

Doing the prayers at Sunday Eucharist. How do I thank the Spirit for the consecration of Mary Glasspool when the Bishop of Chichester is presiding?

ordinary vicar
ordinary vicar
14 years ago

‘How do I thank the Spirit for the consecration of Mary Glasspool when the Bishop of Chichester is presiding?’

It depends whether you’re leading intercessions or making a point.

Does the Spirit need thanking more than you need to annoy the Bishop?


Erika Baker
Erika Baker
14 years ago

How about you thank the Spirit for the consecration of all newly elected American Bishops He has called to serve?

Kelvin Holdsworth
14 years ago

>Doing the prayers at Sunday Eucharist. How do I thank the Spirit for the consecration of Mary Glasspool when the Bishop of Chichester is presiding?

Out loud!

evensongjunkie (formerly cbfh)
evensongjunkie (formerly cbfh)
14 years ago

“How do I thank the Spirit for the consecration of Mary Glasspool when the Bishop of Chichester is presiding?”

As clearly and succinctly as possible.

Who knows, perhaps some lay clerk might say the same things in an evensong at Exeter in month and half’s time.

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

Richard, I suggest: “Please bless and empower all those called by God to lead the Church, and give them wisdom, grace, and love to serve and enable others. Please bless your Church and draw us into unity in Christ. Uphold the ministries of men and women everywhere, to preach your gospel and proclaim good news for the poor. Help us not to judge others, but – confessing our own weakness – send your Holy Spirit we pray, and be the peace and presence in our Church today. May the diverse ministries of men and women of faith express and enable… Read more »

Fr John
Fr John
14 years ago

The description of the consecration service resounded with joy and confidence in the Holy Spirit. May the rest of the Anglican Communion, and our Roman bretheren listen, and become contaminated with the same.
Its time Rowan , the house of Bishops and the synod stood up against the fundamentalist right which is destroying its church, and being the enemy of the Holy Spirit. Dare we say it doing the devils work!
Where the Holy Spirit is recognised, acknowledged, then you see the confidence of its members.

Fr John (Scotland)

karen macqueen+
karen macqueen+
14 years ago

Regarding Jim Naughton’s question, “What if we are asked to dis-invite ourselves again?” If the ABC or some AC committee insists that representatives of TEC absent themselves from meetings of the AC or dis-invites the Primate of TEC from the Primates’ meeting, we should show up anyway and continue the task of articulating the Gospel “as we have received it.” TEC should not co-operate in any way in our marginalization. We must refuse to be marginalized for the sake of the lives of LGBT persons throughout the world, and for the sake of all suffering and oppressed persons in the… Read more »

14 years ago

Re Richard’s query, how about:

in the section ‘we pray for our bishop “X” and our suffragan bishop “X” ‘, add: ‘we also pray for Mary Glasspool’. The meaning is plain, but it does not offend, and since we can all agree to pray for this woman, it might even convey: ‘we must all live through this together’.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

It is my ardent prayer that we will not go away in self-righteous anger, but stay to stand effectively with those who are dying or whose lives are being ruined for want of the love and the liberating Gospel of Jesus.

Thank you for this clearly reason argument for TEC and Canada stayinig in until/unless shoved out. We do need to stand insolidarity with our glbt sisters and brothers who face persecution, imprisonment, and death. We should show up and speak up.

14 years ago

If invited to AC functions, TEC should accept graciously.

If not invited (or disinvited), TEC should just show up: ready to do the work of the Gospel (and NOT get bogged-down in any “What About The Gay Problem?” navel-gazing!).

We are a constituent member of the Anglican Communion. If Rowan (or any Anglican convenor) wants to call Caesar to have us ejected/locked-up, that’s THEIR call.

14 years ago

I don’t really see the logic of those who say that we in TEC should show up anyway, even if we are asked to withdraw ourselves from Communion functions.

My own thought is: fine. Let’s just go our separate ways. I don’t think the past seven or eight years have given us much of any reason to want to remain in the Anglican Communion. Time to call it quits.

David | Dah•veed |
David | Dah•veed |
14 years ago

Richard I suggest that you remember both of the new suffragan bishops in your intercessions. So taking off from John’s suggestion, I recommend;
“We pray for our bishop N and our suffragan bishop(s) N.”
“We also pray for the new episcopal ministries of bishops Diane Bruce and Mary Glasspool.”

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“If form holds, the Episcopal Church and perhaps the Anglican Church of Canada will receive an invitation from Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, suggesting that its representatives consider absenting themselves from some upcoming meeting or meetings of some Anglican or ecumenical bodies.” – Jim Naughton, Episcopal cafe – Apart from the fact that Lambeth has already defined its non-juridical relationship to the independent Provinces within the Anglican Communion, we all know that the inclusivity of the Gospel needs us, from time to time, to act unilaterally – if that seems necessary – within the realm of altering a culture… Read more »

Terence Dear
Terence Dear
14 years ago

Thank you, Karen. I hope your argument prevails. Isolationism has always been inherent in the American psyche. Hopefully, it will not triumph this time and TEC will stay in the ring to fight for all those of us who look to her for inspiration and support.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

Thanks for all the suggestions, which are very helpful. Will be getting down today or tomorrow to do the first draft. And no I don’t want to annoy my Bishop!

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

This what I have decided to say. Hopefully it says everything but doesn’t anoy anyone!

We pray for all those who minister in your Church; all Bishops, priests and deacons, men and women, who are called by the Spirit and touched by its power. May they be wise, prophetic and good shepherds to all entrusted to their care.

14 years ago

It’s good, Richard, but how about inserting, after ‘men and women’, ‘whatever their sexuality’. That formulation should be acceptable to all, though of course it is differently understood.

Good luck, anyway!

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Ave! Richard Ashby. Prayer for justice is always in line with what Jesus counselled for his Church – the body of Christ. ‘Where charity and love are – there is God!’ (Maundy Thursday Prayer)

14 years ago

“I don’t really see the logic of those who say that we in TEC should show up anyway, even if we are asked to withdraw ourselves from Communion functions.” The logic is ***for the good of our allies (esp. LGBTs) throughout the AC***, Charlotte. Those of us in North America don’t have anything to worry about: TEC and the AngChCanada will go about our business of living the Gospel, regardless. But our allies around the world are often oppressed minorities. Many of them have BEGGED TEC (in particular) to stay in the AC’s bodies—if only to speak for them (again,… Read more »

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

Thanks both. A bit later on there is something about hearing what the Spirit says to the Churches.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
14 years ago

I really don’t understand how anyone can raise concerns about the episcopal consecration of Bp Glasspool because of her sexuality who can’t accept her episcopal orders anyway because of her sex.

14 years ago


What happened? Was there a riot? Did the Bishop scowl?

We gotta know.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

It was just fine, thanks. The Bishop certainly didn’t say anything to me but then he didn’t appear for coffee and cake afterwards. I though that he looked old and tired. The clergy and the congregation were very supportive of what I said. I also included the line at the end of the section of prayers for the church ‘May we always hear what the Spirit says to the Churches’ As some one once said ‘If you have ears to hear…’

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

The other odd thing was that I was asked to include in the cycle of prayer the names of eight young people on a Diocesan ‘Encounter’ scheme who are exploring together their future ministry in the church. Of the eight only one is male. Presumably, should they believe that they have a vocation and that vocation is tested, the Diocesan Bishop will only ordain one of them, leaving the others to be ordained by one of the retired Bishops who are used for this purpose. What does that say about their inclusion in the body of Christ?

14 years ago


Thanks for all your stuff – it has been very interesting.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

Human sexuality is back before the Canadian General Synod next week in what is being billed as another conversation on a thirty six year road of of discernment. But,the debate and the process being used to get at the issues has already heated up online.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

I pray for the upcoming General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada; that the participants may have the intestinal fortitude to continue with their ground-breaking initiatives towards the inclusion of same-sex Blessings – in spite of Canada’s seeming reluctance to stay the course. Any sign of withdrawal from the life-enhancing North American prophetic charism of spiritual renewal in place of endemic discrimination against women and gays in ministry – at this point in the Communion’s evolution – would give the wrong message to those conservatives who would prefer the stultifying ethos of the ‘status quo’. If Canada’s stance on… Read more »

Greg Stanton
Greg Stanton
14 years ago

I know I’m late to this, but…

Bishop Glasspool just visited our church today. If there are any objections they would be immediately silenced upon meeting this extraordinary woman. She gave a lucid and engaging lecture on the history of the book of common prayer, and then led Mass with passion and verve — she absolutely has The Spirit with her. We are blessed to have her as a suffragan bishop of Los Angeles.

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