Thinking Anglicans

Scottish Episcopal Church pre-synod interviews

Updated Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon to update the links (which the SEC website has changed more than once)

Looking ahead to this week’s General Synod, the Scottish Episcopal Church has published two interviews.

The first is with the Primus, the Most Rev David Chillingworth, who speaks about the Anglican Covenant, the Whole Church Mission and Ministry Policy and the Gender Audit.
Interview with the Primus (15 minutes)

The second interview is with the Standing Committee Convener, Professor Patricia Peattie, She highlights the ways the Church is dealing with the financial challenges it faces and reflects on the work of the Standing Committee over the past five years.
Interview with Professor Peattie (13 Minutes)

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Grandmère Mimi
14 years ago

Bishop Chillingworth warmed this American heart with his gracious words about the close relationship between the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Church in the US. I was delighted to hear that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will be a guest at General Synod of the SEC. Ever since I learned of the history of the SEC giving us in the US our first bishop, Samuel Seabury, I’ve been forever grateful, and I’m pleased that the warm and historic ties between the two churches continue.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Listening to Rob Warren’s interview – pre-Synod – with Archbishop David Chillingworth, was inspiring and informative, and well-worth the hearing. Here we have a Primus (of the Scottish Episcopal Church) whose heart is in the good of the whole Communion of Anglican Churches; who actually wants to listen to, and to learn from, all sectors of the Church in order to try to accommodate the best of both change and tradition. Abp. David, when questioned on his view of the proposed Anglican Covenant, said he thought that any attempt at Covenant ought to be assessed on its power to uphold… Read more »

fr dougal
fr dougal
14 years ago

Father Ron
we gave up on Archbishops in Scotland after the shooting of Abp Sharp on Magus Muir. The Primus is a Most Rev but NOT an Archbishop.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Thanks, Fr. Dougal – a timely reminder. As a matter of fact, I remember Bishop David stating quite clearly that his role as Primus is different from that of an Archbishop or Presiding Bishop. He did explain that – at least in Scotland – though the Primus is a sort of ‘primus inter pares’ within his own Church; Bp. David thinks of himself as co-equal with his fellow bishops, a ‘convenor of the College’ but with no disciplinary role. Sounds pretty good in the present environment of ‘Big Smacks’ from ACO.

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