Thinking Anglicans

IC newsletter

The latest newsletter of is now online.
Note that the day of action is Tuesday 10 February:

1.30 pm – Handing of petition to Archbishop
Our petition, signed by 8,500 individuals and 100 PCCs, will be received by Chris Smith, chief of staff at Lambeth Palace, on behalf of the Archbishop. Assemble outside Church House, Great Smith Street, Westminster from 1.15 pm. We are looking for a professional photographer to record the event – please contact if you can help.

7.30 pm – Eucharist
On the eve of the General Synod’s Sexuality debate at St Matthew’s Church, Great Peter Street, Westminster. The celebrant will be Rev’d Dr Giles Fraser, chair of The preacher will be Revd Canon Dr Marilyn McCord Adams, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and Canon of Christ Church.

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sergio alferez
sergio alferez
21 years ago

I am a Roman Catholic of the “orthodox” variety with an interest in liturgy who has for some years admired the aesthetic qualities of Anglican worship from afar. I have a great though somewhat conflicted admiration for a devotion so markedly “Catholic” in its emotional expression and a spirituality so firmly rooted in the most noble of ancient Christian sources and coexisting nonetheless with a type of theological speculation which in my church is typically associated with “liberal” lovers of banal liturgy and “relevant”, this-worldly spirituality so prosaic as to fluster any vaguely mystical impulse. My conscience tells me that… Read more »

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