Thinking Anglicans

Canadian General Synod – Wednesday

Anglican Journal reports

Huskins hangs in Deputy prolocutor elected by four-vote margin
Vision 2019 adopted Strategic plan to guide $1.1 million cut from national budget
Members only Cuts to GoGS mean almost 30% of dioceses not represented for next three years
The ties that bind Ecumenical dialogue has contributed to growth of faith, confirms Archbishop of Halifax
Just you and me, Olive Intrepid staffer hits the road to raise $130K for PWRDF
Reality check Landmark resolution renounces Doctrine of Discovery

As well as the above reports on Wednesday’s business, Anglican Journal has added these reports on addresses mad earlier in the week.
Mission possible …when the Anglican Communion works together, says Kearon
Deeper partnership possibilities Both churches ‘have the ability to speak truth to power,’ says U.S. Presiding Bishop

The ACoC website has these reports.
Feedback Received as Part of Sexuality Discernment Process
Common History Creates Shared Mission Possibilities
Sexuality Discernment report, June 9, 2010

Coralie Jensen in the Episcopal Examiner General Synod 2010 begins with confusion about what the Anglican Communion expects

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

‘”The context that we share in North America means that common conversation and action around the challenges of our day could be greatly strengthened by partnership” said bishop Jefferts-Schori. “our common voices and varied context will enrich dialogue about ethics and biotechnology, energy – whether its the Gulf oil spill or Canadian tar sands – human sexuality and anthropology, preserving the language, culture and life-ways of the indigenous peoples, global warming or climate change.” ‘ – Report from Canadian General Synod – The Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop’s welcome at GS 2010 in Halifax, N.S. speaks of the common elements of… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

The resolution that the General Synod of Canada has come up with, the one that will be debated. Hardly surprising! This is what National office was no doubt hoping we would be the exit ramp this time around. The background info, if you click to follow, is telling, its a “no common mind” kind of thing.

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