Thinking Anglicans

still more on Williams, Kearon etc.

Updated Thursday morning

Earlier roundups here, and here.

Ruth Gledhill at The Times has Warring Anglicans removed from ecumenical faith group.

Also Commentary: Pentecost and the Anglican schism.

Anglican Journal has reports from Canada:

Mission possible…when the Anglican Communion works together, says Kearon

Deeper partnership possibilities: Both churches ‘have the ability to speak truth to power,’ says U.S. Presiding Bishop

A much more user-friendly copy of this same article is now here.

Video report includes highlights from an address by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (the Episcopal Church)


Anglican Essentials has transcripts of the press conference held by Kenneth Kearon:

See here, and more recently also here.

Here’s a sample:

Neal[e] Adams, Anglican Journal: What about Nigeria and Rwanda?

I simply do not know whether Nigeria or Rwanda have formally through their Synod or through a resolution in their House of Bishops have decided [to break the moratorium regarding cross-border interventions.]

There are three sets of letters going out, one to The Episcopal Church members [Americans] who are on ecumenical dialogues or who are on the Faith and Order Commission. The second letter is to the Primate of Canada [Fred Hiltz], to clarify whether the Province has made a decision on the question of same-sex blessings. He may have addressed that in his primatial address. And thirdly, there’s a letter to the Primate of the Southern Cone Greg Venables asking him about the status of the intervention he has been involved with. His is the only intervention referred to in the Windsor Continuation Report. As a start we’re addressing those three areas and we await the responses – not where an individual bishop has broken one of the moratoria.

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14 years ago

Kearon sounds more pettifogging than any lawyer.

For all the outrage at lawsuits, there is more justice in law courts than in the power plays which have characterised the Anglican Communion these last 10 years or so.

14 years ago

Let me see if I have this right.

The churches that are democratically constituted are being asked whether their elected leaders have done anything formally.

The churches that are more authoritarian in structure are being asked the same question.

Does anyone know whether Nigeria or Rwanda _needs_ synodical or House of Bishops action in order to poach across provincial boundaries?

Sounds to me as though Kearon’s question is designed to produce a particular outcome.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“I simply do not know whether Nigeria or Rwanda have formally through their Synod or through a resolution in their House of Bishops have decided [to break the moratorium regarding cross-border interventions]” What tripe. The facts on the ground – that they indeed have crossed borders repeatedly – mean nothing, unless they formally voted to do so. I don’t think any have done so, but I seem to remember one or both stating that they wouldn’t stop – maybe in a GAFCON press release? Somewhere else? Someone with a better memory, help me out here. For that matter, TEC did… Read more »

Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

The Canon seems as much a fair-minded party to this dispute to the same extent that Archbishop Duncan does. He says flat-out that the Episcopal Church does not share the faith of the Anglican Communion (thus elevating the dispute to doctrinal level).

Tell me again, *why* do we want to remain in the AC?

Marshall Scott
14 years ago

One wonders at how apparently artlessly Canon Kearon sidesteps the “double standard” question! “We don’t delve into internal events in member churches – even our own.”

14 years ago

I *formally* think this hypocrisy STINKS.

14 years ago

What is or is not referred to in the Windsor Report is all very nice, but the fact remains that Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda have all initiated border crossing schemes since Windsor, and Rwanda actually started this crap well in advance of Windsor.

Since Pope Rowan and his Prefect of the Inquisition Kearon have refused to address those border crossings, it is very clear that they have no integrity at all.

Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

Spot on, Cynthia.

In the farfetched hypothetical case that Canon Kearon really *doesn’t” know if the CoN(AC) launched CANA, or Rwanda AMiA, what the hell is he doing as the Secretary General of anything?

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

I never imagined that we would see, in the Mother Church of the derivative Anglican Communion, the attempted dissolution of the positive effects of the Reformation. Just as the latest RC Pope and his Roman Curia henchmen seem intent on destroying the positive effects of Vatican II, “Pope” Rowan I and his Lambeth henchmen seem intent on going “back” to something that we never were. If this keeps up, we will have two “Anglican Communions,” one of the traditional nature led by Global North and part of Global South, and one of a fundamentalist revolution led by the Global South… Read more »

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
14 years ago

I already did this in the thread about the VA case, but perhaps someone will point it out to Canon Kearon if it appears here:

“Its members are in full communion with constituent members of the Anglican Communion through its affiliation with the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), a missionary branch of the Church of Nigeria and other Anglican Archbishops.”

Prior Aelred
14 years ago

I met Canon Kearon when he attended that General Convention of TEC in Columbus, Ohio — least said, soonest mended …
I am reminded of an episode of “Yes, Prime Minister” where Sir Humphrey Appleby demonstrated that the result of a poll depended on how a question was phrased …
Do they really not see how contemptible they appear?

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