Thinking Anglicans

Presiding Bishop at Scottish General Synod

Updated Saturday lunchtime

The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schiori, the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church, addressed the Scottish General Synod this afternoon.

Raspberry Rabbit has audio of the address online.


The audio is now also available on the SEC wesbite.

Audio of Bishop Katharine’s Address to General Synod

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14 years ago

This was incredible. This explained us so well and I hope that this is heard in a lot of places. Thanks to Raspberry Rabbit for posting it.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Thanks for the reminder, in Bishop Katharine’s addresses around the Communion (including this one to the Scottish Episcopal Church) that ‘The Church exists for Mission’ – without which we might just as well not exist. Mission includes respect for all God’s children – of every race, colour, creed, gender or sexual orientation. Thank God for an Anglican Leader (in Katharine) who constantly affirms this fact. May God continue to bless and enrich her in her ministry as a Bishop in the Church

14 years ago

Wow. I thought people were over reacting to her comments. But she does seem to be on some sort of campaign to supplant Canterbury/the Communion with her own competing version. Astonishing campaign.

Scot Peterson
14 years ago

Just wondering… Does this trigger the question in anyone’s mind whether the Church of England engages in mission anywhere outside of England?? (Does it have the resources to be able to do so?) Or is it so occupied with maintaining its own dignity that it doesn’t trouble itself with such things??

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

+Katharine for ABC?

14 years ago

She was fantastic. What a dignified and measured rebuttal of narrow pressure from Canterbury, amidst so much else.

14 years ago

Has anyone else noticed that Rob- does nothing here but attack people?

14 years ago

Thanks to Raspberry Rabbit for posting this, a wonderful speech.

14 years ago

It does seem useful at this time for the Church of England to remember that for more than a century, the Episcopal Church has been a global organization.

At the risk of stating the obvious, not all international Anglican lines run through Canterbury.

14 years ago

‘Has anyone else noticed that Rob- does nothing here but attack people?’

Posted by: JPM on Saturday, 12 June 2010 at 4:33pm BST

Do / Yes

Wearying to the spirit.

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

Jeremy posted: “At the risk of stating the obvious, not all international Anglican lines run through Canterbury.” As previously suggested on a different thread, I do believe that we could end up with two “Anglican Communions”, one traditional Anglicanism (why not call it TAC), and one fundamentalist pseudo-Anglicanism (in similar fashion, FAC). The former will be composed of primarily the Global North plus parts of the Global South (e.g. South Africa, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand), and the latter composed of primarily the Global South, dominated by Central and East and West Africa, plus parts of the Global North (e.g. one… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

JPN: Yes, I have noted that the poster named “Rob+” seems most happy when he is attacking others. I think most decent people realize that Canterbury has been given a mythical importance when it comes to other national Churches who identify as Anglican in one form or another. It has never had “power” over other national churches as Rome has over its’ vast network of churches all over the globe. Perhaps we need to do some research and find the names of the “handlers” of The Archbishop of Canterbury. It may that it is these “handlers” that need to be… Read more »

14 years ago

And how is my comment attacking or even critical or just inaccurate?

And the remarks by others here about the Archbishop of Canterbury are…complimentary?

Rosemary Hannah
Rosemary Hannah
14 years ago

I think attacking individuals who leave comments here is wholly counter-productive. Better to demand arguments, and answer them.

Rosemary Hannah
Rosemary Hannah
14 years ago

I had some trouble de-coding your remark, Rob. I admit I only listened to her speech once, did not read a copy, and did not study it in depth, but I felt she was talking about the need for mission and demonstrating how by putting the gospel into a social context in different ways parts of her province were doing just that. Which frankly strikes me as
a wholly admirable
b wholly unoriginal.

14 years ago

Rosemary, yes, on the surface I would agree with your read and comments. I also think it is a harbinger of her intent when you read it in the context of everything else going on, her addresses to other parts of the Communion at this time and her Pentecost letter responding to the AoC. Context adds a certain depth to her remarks — which I remarked about and IF I understood them correctly is astonishing. Of course, I could be wrong about the context. She may simply be passionate about mission as she ariculated it and the coincidence of other… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“One does wonder why she spoke on the origins of the Communion as she did though.”

Posted by: Rob+ on Monday, 14 June 2010

Perhaps her hearers needed to understand the context from and about which Bp.Katharine was speaking. How sad it is that we must always attribute an ulterior motive to this learned and very capable P.B.?

14 years ago

“always attribute an ulterior motive?” — the old adage, ‘actions speak louder than words’ comes to mind. Look at her actions Ron. These are the basis of my surprise and remarks. It is one thing to sue over 60 churches, depose multiple bishops some times willy nilly regardless of canons, etc. within one’s own province. But then to enter into what looks like a political campaign stump to liberal corners of the Communion (Canada, Scotland, England and soon New Zealand and Australia) weaving in this talk of origins of the Communion, the various countries that are part of TEC —… Read more »

14 years ago

Of course, I could be wrong about the context. She may simply be passionate about mission as she articulated it and the coincidence of other Anglican goings on is just that and has nothing at all to do with her purposes and plans for TEC, her reasons for speaking to other parts of the Communion at this time etc. — Just TEC – global entity in its own right, Communion birthing catalyst, and center for mission. One does wonder why she spoke on the origins of the Communion as she did though. Posted by: Rob+ on Monday, 14 June 2010… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“And yet far more funds remain available for law suits and now world travel.” – Rob+ on Tuesday – Now Rob, do be fair! If we are talking about the propensity for ‘world travel’, no-one has travelled more about the globe recently than the Apostles of the Global South contingency, which is diametrically opposed to Bp. Katharine’s mission to the outcast and marginalised of the world. Just look at the expense of GAFCON, and the more recent Singapore Conference. With Bishop Katharine, we are talking about one prelate of the Communion. With GAFCON – many – not to mention the… Read more »

14 years ago

“And yet far more funds remain available for law suits and now world travel.” – Rob+ on Tuesday –

‘Now Rob, do be fair! ‘ (Ron Smith)

I don’t there is much chance of RobX being fair Ron !

The PB is a woman –she shouldnt be travelling, but -in Rob’s book staying back at home and caring for her men-folk !

Wot a hoot ! ;- )

14 years ago

Let’s face it, if Katharine Jefferts Schori stood up and said “Jesus is Lord,” and then sat down, the extremists like Rob et al would still attack her for some imagined plot or some imagined heresy. I am struck, though, by Rob’s hypocrisy. If Peter Akinola spends more than half his time jet-setting around the globe (much of it in business class, apparently), that’s perfectly fine. But if Katherine Jefferts Schori accepts invitations to speak to the General Synods of two Churches with which the Episcopal Church has strong relationships, that’s a nasty plot to destroy the Communion. Give it… Read more »

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