Thinking Anglicans

Catholic Group in Synod reacts to debate

Catholic Group in Synod reacts to today’s debate

Jul 10, 2010

We deeply regret that the General Synod has decided to ignore the leadership of the chief pastors of the Church of England Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

The voting was by the three Houses of Synod separately, with support from the Bishops and Laity but not from the Clergy. In total, 216 people voted in favour and 191 against with 9 abstentions – so there was support for the Archbishops’ amendments.

By rejecting the opportunity for unity that the Amendments they proposed would have achieved, it has made it very difficult for those who in conscience cannot accept the ministry for women priests and bishops.

The process in General Synod is not over and we would wish to be involved in the ongoing discussions as to a way forward that includes all loyal members of the Church of England.

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14 years ago

They can call themselves the Catholic Group till the cows come home, but lots of catholics who support the ordination of women wouldn’t touch them with a long crozier.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

…. or even shake a thurible at ’em …..

14 years ago

“lots of catholics who support the ordination of women” Junius. It is a contradiction in terms. How can you be a Catholic and support the ordination of women? What Junius suggests is nonsensical.

Rose Gaudete
Rose Gaudete
14 years ago

But did the Archbishop of Canterbury not say he had not supported the amendments put by the catholic group. And did the Archbishops amendment not leave unaddressed the whole issue of “scramental assurrance” so important to this group. So, basically they are throwing a tantrum because they compromised their previous claims in order to support something offering less and then did not get it. Who let whom down? Answers on a postcard…….

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“By rejecting the opportunity for unity that the Amendments they proposed would have achieved, it has made it very difficult for those who in conscience cannot accept the ministry for women priests and bishops.” – Catholic (F.i.F) Group in Synod – Here again, we have the likes of F.i.F. claiming to represent all ‘catholics’ in the General Synod of the Church of England. The result of the voting on the issues – bearing in mind the fact that the ‘chief pastors of the Church of England’ were out-voted by the Synod’s procedures – should tell the objectors to women’s ministry… Read more »

14 years ago

SRSLY, junius.

The “Catholic Group” obviously doesn’t include Affirming Catholicism!

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
14 years ago


“Catholic”–universal, worldwide. How can you claim to be “catholic” and leave out half the world’s population?

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

and the Roman Catholic Church , whose catechism so many of these “traditionalist” catholics appear to believe in, wouldnt regard them as catholics either…all pretty rum! the C of E had a different understanding of what constitutes its catholicity until 150 years ago, and some of us still hold to it.

14 years ago

“Catholic” appears to be nothing more than a brand name, as used by the FiF. It has no relation to the actual word “catholic,” but indicates a jealous admiration of all the pomp and ceremony and above all power of Roman Catholicism, without all that “control from above” sort of worries.

Mere branding. The “Catholic Group” is simply the generic brand in the store.

14 years ago

‘How can you be a Catholic’ and be a member of the C of E ?

well of course, you can, but there’s nothing very Catholic about those sectional groups calling themselves so.

Surely a Catholic embrace will take in all of us who wish to be embraced ?

14 years ago

ha’Catholic” appears to be nothing more than a brand name, as used by the FiF. It has no relation to the actual word “catholic,” but indicates a jealous admiration of all the pomp and ceremony and above all power of Roman Catholicism, without all that “control from above” sort of worries.’ Yes, I have to agree even though this was my background in the C of E. I have found the shenanigans of anglo-catholics disillusioning- from closeted denunciations of gay relationships,to the rejection of the Methodist Church and of Michael Ramsey’s ‘Archiepiscopal Guidance’, to the treatment of women in the… Read more »

Bill Dilworth
Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

“to the rejection of…Michael Ramsey’s ‘Archiepiscopal Guidance'”

Could you elaborate?

Ted badger
Ted badger
14 years ago

Yes it seems like the disciples of Emmeline Pankhurst have won the day! AND undermined the authority of the two Archbishops.

LLM Emeritus Southwell & Nottingham

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