Thinking Anglicans

Bishop John Broadhurst writes about women bishops

A Statement from the Chairman of Forward in Faith Jul 15, 2010

Like you, I was very disappointed at the outcome of last weekend’s debate at General Synod in York and appalled at the intransigence of some feminist clergy and their supporters. What kind of a church is it that is willing to ignore the leadership of its Archbishops and to renege on a solemn promise given to Parliament about an honoured and permanent place for us?

We now face a most serious situation, made all the worse by the refusal of the Synod to pass the Archbishops’ amendment. Resolutions A & B – which provide the basis in law on which the ordination of women can be opposed – are to be removed. This means that any opposition which might be tolerated will be based on the recognition of supposed prejudice rather than the respect of theological principle. Further, the abolition of the PEVs is proposed, which will leave our constituency in an intolerable position. All we would be allowed under the draft Measure as it now stands is access to a male bishop, whose own beliefs need not coincide with ours. That is sexism writ large.

Despite the dreadful result in York, we owe a debt of gratitude to the Catholic Group in General Synod, along with all those who supported them in the debate. In the coming weeks, a new Synod is to be elected and it is vital we all do all we can to ensure the return of as many orthodox candidates as possible, in order that a Catholic presence on the Synod can be there to continue to represent the interests of Catholic Anglicans throughout this divisive and unnecessary process.

That these are very difficult times for all of us goes without saying; we need, above all, to take time to pray, to consult together and to support one another, as we try to discern our respective ways forward – not just in faith, but also of course in hope and in love.

Every blessing,
XJohn Fulham

TA note: Bishop John Broadhurst is Bishop of Fulham, a Suffragan in the Diocese of London.

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The Church Mouse
14 years ago

Interesting comments. Broadhurst seems to be saying that FiF parishes should not just have the right to oversight by a male bishop, but that they should be entitled to pick which male bishops are acceptable to them. It would be a pretty radical shake up to the church if all parishes were given this right.

14 years ago

The “intransigence of some feminist clergy and their supporters” opposing a system of an all-male clergy is “sexism writ large.” Well, there you have it …

14 years ago

Wow does this statement from Bishop JB speak volumes about the extent, depth, width of the males only-males first dilemma. The bishop urges prayer and support; but properly only for those whose theology and conscience agree with his, pretty much strictly. The logical vexation is, the bishop wants his cake, and wants to eat it, too. That is, he will draw upon every big tent Anglican resource or strategy to establish/continue his strict-exclusive prerogative to operate a carefully smalled down tent inside whatever else is called Anglican, essentially or nominally; and he reserves a clear, strong privilege for dissing everybody… Read more »

14 years ago

RE: “the respect of theological principle”
I cannot help but wonder which theological principles should be respected. That Holy Scripture teaches male authority over women is arguable, but only if one believes that Lot’s offer of his daughters (Gen 19:8) was righteous behavior. The story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) better represents the Christian view of gender equality. Given the social norms of his time, Jesus was radically supportive of a women’s role in ministry. If a person believes that context is essential to theology, then Jesus definitely was a feminist.

14 years ago

I imagine this guy doesn’t see so much obligation to follow the archbishops’ leadership when it doesn’t agree with his own views. He seems to want it both ways: “Catholics” obey their archbishops, but “Catholics” don’t have to follow a bishop they disagree with.

Marshall Scott
14 years ago

Dr. Primrose, it is, as it always seems to be, a matter of whose ox is getting gored.

(Of course, if these folks were listening more fully to Gore, perhaps we would not be here.)

14 years ago

Arrogance writ large as well, Dr Primrose.

Ian Black
Ian Black
14 years ago

Choose your bishop is not a very catholic doctrine!! There are a number whose beliefs do not coincide with mine. No synod can be bound by the decisions of previous ones – life would grind to a halt if that view prevailed. We’d still believe in a flat earth and creation 6,000 years ago by that token, not to mention slavery and the Pope. There has to be a mechanism for removing disastrous decisions and mistakes and the the Act of Synod was a mistake.

Simon Kershaw
14 years ago

Resolutions A and B do not provide a basis in law for opposing the ordination of women. They provide a basis in law for — in certain circumstances — being able to insist on the ministry of a man. Not the same thing at all.

And I’m sure that very many people will want see the return to the Synod of many orthodox and catholic candidates but the bishop should not be allowed to get away with using either of those terms as synonyms for people opposed to the ordination of women!

Rosemary Hannah
Rosemary Hannah
14 years ago

Dearie me – sexism writ large – and if others were to demand access to a female bishop of any beliefs whatever, what pray would that be???

The good bishop is making an utterly illogical point.

14 years ago

There are crudities here, but this is a man who (a)quite clearly wants to remain within the C of E; (b) is disappointed and angry. Over and all, I admire him.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

Zach has the truth of it.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Of course the ordinariate is not an option for Bishop Broadhurst as he is a convert from Cathholicism to Anglicanism.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
14 years ago

“Every blessing,
XJohn Fulham”

Well, I feel blessed!

Then again, I am in a church where the ministry of women is welcomed at all levels.

John Sandeman
14 years ago


a good pun!

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“The story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) better represents the Christian view of gender equality.”

I suspect the good bishop would read this quite quite differently.

14 years ago

The present PEV’s (Beverley an honorable exception) have only themselves to blame. Instead of ministering to those of us who wish to stay in the Church of England as faithful catholics they have been going about inciting corporate defection to Rome. They have been in dereliction of the duty with which they were charged by the Act of Synod and should have been replaced long ago by those who are loyal Anglicans.

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
14 years ago

Illogical? No, he’s arguing that it’s not just men who are sexist about women… not that I agree with him on that.

Reminds me of an old story in which a straight female writer was astonished at the number of gay literature anthologies in a local bookshop where I’m from. Her gay writer-friend said, “Now you know how it feels to be marginalized.”

Spirit of Vatican II
14 years ago

Interesting to compare this bishop’s take with this morning’s Irish Times:

sam cole
sam cole
14 years ago

As an Episcopalian in the USA, I’m glad that England had the great leadership of Queen Elizabeth to go with the very fine British Navy. Otherwise, those of us here in the USA would be speaking French, Spanish, Italian or German, not English. Women also make great leaders in our church. I am proud to have them. Look at what the exclusive male dominated hierachy our Roman Catholic friends have that has brought on all the travesties of sexual scandal.

14 years ago

“. . sexism writ large.”

See, the original statement was:

Big Bish @ Minifif sez Minicofe womanwords doubleplusungood.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Bishop Boradhurst now finds himself in a real pickle. Having transferred from allegiance to the See of Peter. all he can now do, with any integrity, is co cap-in-hand to his former Roman Catholic Church to beg re-admission – on the gounds that the current situation in the Anglican Church does not suit him, and he would like to return to the safety of his former Church, so that he does not have to submit to the idea of women in sacerdotal ministry. Where can Bishop Broadhurst go from here? Perhaps, in order to cling to what degree of sanity… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Bishop Broadhurst can not be r-ordained , but he could come back as a layman.

Sam raises a valid point..the jurisdiction of Church of England is given by the crown, and that is at present our lovely LADY Queen Elizabeth the second.

Why was that not mentioned at the Synod…the orders come from the clergy, but jurisdiction is given by the Queen, who is the ordinary of Canterbury and York.

Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown
14 years ago

Interesting comments. Broadhurst seems to be saying that FiF parishes should not just have the right to oversight by a male bishop, but that they should be entitled to pick which male bishops are acceptable to them. It would be a pretty radical shake up to the church if all parishes were given this right. But, Mouse, isn’t that the deal that FiF had for themselves in London? Certainly that’s what +JB once told me the deal was.

14 years ago

Rev. Ron: I think you’re confusing Bp. John Broadhurst with Abp. John Hepworth of the TAC. So far as I know John Broadhurst was never a Roman Catholic, having studied for the priesthood at Kings College London and St. Boniface, Warminster.

Not that facts should be allowed to overly cramp your delightfully catty style 🙂

I look forward to welcoming as many as possible of my former co-religionists to the proper side of the Tiber, and we shall be very blessed indeed if Bp. Broadhurst is among them.

fr dougal
fr dougal
14 years ago

Err… +JB (my bishop when I was a London curate)was born and brought up RC. He met his wife and decided her Anglican religion was a better bet and Kings and Warminster followed his conversion. Sorry Clive, it was justifable cattiness!

14 years ago

I stand corrected 🙂 I guess that means he won’t need confirmation then. I’m sure the details have already been worked out – it’s not as if +JB and the Holy Father are unacquainted. I suspect Rome will be flexible where eminent persons are concerned. Cf Mgr. Graham Leonard.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Spirit of Vatican two..thanks for the link to the Irish Times..

That paper has always been was once the paper of the Dublin Castle British establishment in Ireland..and now is the liberal champion. however the article was good about the Anglo-Catholic bluff. However the Church of Ireland passed legislation to allow women when it voted for women priests.

Reform are active in Northern Ireland and there is a growing conservative evangelical movement in the Protestant north.

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