Thinking Anglicans

Papal visit: Westminster Abbey

A Service of Evening Prayer in the presence of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and His Grace The Archbishop of Canterbury.


Press Release

Order of Service (PDF)

Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks here

Pope’s remarks here

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14 years ago

The Pope addresses Rowan Williams as The Archbishop of Canterbury. Isn’t this a sin? Isn’t this willfully misleading people into believing that the A of C is a legitimate bishop with all the powers of a bishop, i. e. conferring orders, forgiving sin, etc.? If the Pope considers him a fellow bishop, why am I in mortal sin for thinking the same thing?

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

Nice to see the ABC wearing his mitre. And the use of incense during the Magnificat. Interesting implications.

14 years ago

[@Ashpenaz: watching the event on EWTN (“Global Catholic {i.e., Popoid} Network”) I noticed that the announcers first called him just “Rowan Williams”. Only AFTER the Pope called him “Archbishop”, did the announcer relent and call him “Archbishop Williams”, too! ;-/] I think Rowan Williams has been a horrible ABC—complicit in much evil—and wish he would resign, ASAP. That said, I thought his evensong comments this evening were very commendable (in an ecumenical context). I couldn’t help but feel, however, that his remarks were rather elegaic: the ecumenical convergence that COULD have been (had JP2 really acted on/in the spirit of… Read more »

Damien McGrath
Damien McGrath
14 years ago

You use the word ‘willfully’, suggesting that the Pope has some sort of agenda rather than rejoicing in the fact that he acknowledges Rowan Williams as a fellow Bishop in the church of Christ. Today, i saw unity and was glad in it.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Ashpenaz. You will note that the Pope does not address Archbishop Rowan as the ‘Catholic’ Archbishop of Canterbury. Perhaps this is his own subtle way of differentiating between what Rome considers authentic, as opposed to the rest of us. Remember, the Pope is a guest here and certain protocols are ‘de rigeur’. Titles are just titles. In the same way, Rowan might address Benedict as ‘Your Holiness’, with a similar regard for ecclesiastical protocol – whereas Jesus once asked a bystander “Who are you calling ‘Good’? One alone is Good” – indicating an attribute of his Father, God. It is… Read more »

14 years ago

Well, Ashpenaz, The Archperson of Canterbury just doesn’t have the same pizazz to it.

14 years ago

I think an Anglican could call the Pope “Your Holiness.” ARCIC doesn’t reject the Pope or the Papacy. We just don’t agree with claims of infallibility or universal jurisdiction. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and the Vicar of Peter and plays the same role of being a symbol of unity for the Church as Peter did for the Apostles. But Peter didn’t have any powers the other apostles didn’t have, and Peter didn’t have any immediate jurisdiction over any other apostle. Nor was Peter personally infallible. If the Pope stands next to the Archbishop of Canterbury and they… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Being pleasant to a person, doesn’t necessarily mean you believe they are who they claim. As St Paul said, I became a Jew to the Jews,and a Greek to the Greeks. That is why he shook Canon hedges hand and by the way the Pope’s have met female clergy before. The Pope recognises Rowan as the leader of a substantial Protestant federation of churches.That is why at Lambeth he greeted his” brother Catholic bishops” and the Anglican bishops. If he met an American Methodist bishop he would greet him as such.He would greet the leader of the Salvation Army as… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Having viewed some of the coverage on the papal web-site, I noticed the particular caring way in which ‘Gorgeous George’ looked after the papal dignity. It was nice, too. to see he wears a purple cincture; it goes well with the boss’s immaculata white outfit. Now, seriously; Pope Benedict did express a proper fatherly love for the children presented to him. I always think that’s the measure of a truly human being – which, of course, he is. Solemn Evensong in Westminster Abbey was really something to behold. It was good to see the joint ceremony of putting incense onto… Read more »

Balaam's Ass
Balaam's Ass
14 years ago

Ashpenaz, aren’t you being a little free with the idea of mortal sin? In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions: Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner This means that mortal sins cannot be done “accidentally.” A person who commits a mortal sin is one who knows that their sin is wrong, but still deliberately commits the sin anyway. This means that mortal sins are “premeditated” by the sinner and thus are truly… Read more »

Tobias Haller
14 years ago

Ashpenaz, in diplomacy (which is what this is) people often say things they don’t really mean, and everyone knows this and is just happy people are speaking to each other. There is enough “on the books” to serve as a corrective to anyone mistaking this act of courtesy for a formal recognition.

14 years ago


Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Of course the measure of full knowledge is also linked to culpable ignorance.

14 years ago

RIW: I’ve got to give credit where credit is due. I agree completely w/ what you’ve said in re the natural behavior in the way greetings where conducted at Westminster (Abbey). Now if we could just transpose this behavior to Lambeth and the Vatican.

And yes, a little incense is nice at Evensong…so long’s at up there at the altar and away from us doing the work in the stalls….

14 years ago

I agree with those who advise not to read too much into the diplomatic acts. Pope Benedict also greeted the female canon of the Abbey, vested in her cope; one can be sure that the Holy Father recognizes her as neither canon nor priest.

Rev. Dr. Richard Gilbert
Rev. Dr. Richard Gilbert
13 years ago

The service for the papal visit to Westminster Abbey was not only stunning for its history, but the music was some of the best I have heard. I tried desperately to find a copy of the service, but the BBC copies were not available in the US. Can you help?

Dr Richard B. Gilbert

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