Thinking Anglicans

opinion for the end of summer time

Summer Time (daylight saving time) ends in the UK tomorrow.

Jeremy Fletcher is Giving up Football.

Huw Thomas writes in the Church Times Suffer little children — don’t fob them off. “Something is wrong when children are given distractions to occupy them in church rather than being involved.” [now available to non-subscribers]

Riazat Butt writes in The Guardian that Team Rowan goes off-message. “George Pitcher isn’t like previous members of the archbishop of Canterbury’s staff. Is Lambeth fully prepared?”

Toby Cohen writes at the Church of England Newspaper that In the beginning were the blogs.

Suem asks on her Significant Truths blog How Anglican is the Anglican Covenant?

Savi Hensman writes this essay for Ekklesia: Thinking theologically: Bible, tradition, reason and experience.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that Humanism fails to face the horror.

And finally Meanwhile back on planet earth…

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14 years ago

Savi Hensman’s essay should be required reading for every seminarian, clergy-person, and individual involved in Christian education/formation from teenagers on up. I’ve seldom seen the issue laid out so clearly.

14 years ago

I imagine a number of humanists and/or atheists, reading Giles Fraser’s piece “Humanism fails to face the horror”, will react “Theists committed this horrific crime against other theists, but somehow this is about *us*?” O_o

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

” I am puzzled at the insistence of Anglicans such as Bishop Broadhurst that opposition to women’s ordination is some­how the touchstone of Catholicity. Plenty of committed Catholics I know in the Roman Church regard the prospect of women priests and bishops as something devoutly to be wished”. – Paul Vallely, Church Times 22 Oct. – In his questioning of the likes of Bishop John Broadhurst, in his tirade against the Church of England General Synod, Roman Catholic journalist Paul Vallely warns would-be converts from the C. of E. that they may not be universally welcomed by current Roman Catholics… Read more »

14 years ago

“‘Theists committed this horrific crime against other theists, but somehow this is about *us*?’ O_o”


That’s why I have this increasing desire that all Christian “leaders,” liberal and conservative, would just shut up and stop embarrasssing the rest of us. Fraser’s another who believed his own hype.

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