Thinking Anglicans

Sunday programme discussion of Covenant

The Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron, and Dr Lesley Fellows discussed the Covenant on the BBC radio programme Sunday this morning.

The programme is available on iPlayer for those who can receive it, or as a podcast, over here.

The BBC’s description of the item from this page:

The Church of England Synod will meet this month to discuss the proposed Anglican Covenant. But the covenant itself is now under attack from both Liberals and Conservatives. Ed speaks to Rev Dr Lesley Fellows who heads the newly formed No Anglican Covenant Coalition, and the Bishop of Asaph Dr Gregory Cameron.

The item starts about 24 minutes in.

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14 years ago

I’m simply gobsmacked by the intellectual dishonesty of Bishop Cameron, who would have us debate “the text of the Covenant” completely divorced from its context. I understand why he is calling for this. Divorced from the context, he and his ilk can ignore the manner in which “recommendation” has become Lambeth-speak for “fiat,” and the manner in which childish threats to walk away are indulged by the faux-liberalism of the Lambeth bureaucracy. I’d thought his ridiculous accusations of fascism were simply an overwrought reaction to the savaging of a document of which he is the principle author. Now I think… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

I am not at all surprised by the “intellectual dishonesty” of Bishop Cameron. The right wing of organized Fundamentalists in America presents itself in very much the same way. Honesty goes out the door as they try to poison the waters. In America, we call them “thugs” because they have lost their decency.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
14 years ago

“I’m simply gobsmacked by the intellectual dishonesty of Bishop Cameron, who would have us debate ‘the text of the Covenant’ completely divorced from its context.”

How about divorced from its text, also? He says there is nothing coercive in it, but seems conveniently to forget about the “relational consequences”. Is that not coercion?

Tobias Haller
14 years ago

relational consequence = we need to see other people

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

Just say No.

Jim Naughton
Jim Naughton
14 years ago

To see how the covenant will work, re-read the Primates Statement from Dar es Salaam. It was an attempt to carve the Episcopal Church into pieces, put the piece that resisted progress on LGBT issues under the authority of the Primates of other provinces, and call them the real Anglicans.

Fr John
Fr John
14 years ago

The answer must be a resounding NO.

The whole tenor and text is against all that has been positive in the Church of England, and Anglican Communion over many many years. The Via Media, and the writings of Richard Hooker speak of the breadth and inclusivity of the church.
The convenant is no way forward, lacking in charity, and full of double speak.
Kill it before it does more damage. The right wing thinking bishops just love it, kill it now.

Fr John

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Bishop Cameron talks about the ‘trust’ that was lost within the Anglican Communion when TEC went forward with the episcopal ordination of Bishop Gene in New Hampshire. What he makes absolutely no mention of the ‘trust’ that might have been endangered in the Churches of the Communion by the Church of England’s decision to create what it has been pleased to call ‘Flying Bishops’, to minster to a group of people who disagreed with the Mother Church’s decision to ordain women as priests in that Church. This was a move which was seen by many of us in the Communion… Read more »

Tobias Haller
14 years ago

Good point Fr Ron. There is nothing about gay bishops in the canons of the Ecumenical Councils, but there is about bishops retaining oversight of their dioceses! One person’s novelty is not another’s.

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