Thinking Anglicans

Covenant – Monday roundup

George Pitcher wrote in the Telegraph Are Church of England liberals really Nazis?

…Leave aside whether there’s something slightly contradictory about Little Englanders being Nazis and consequently whether you can both be a Nazi at the same time as feeling like you’re facing them in 1939. The real point here is whether there is some sort of concerted effort to paint theological liberals as totalitarian extremists.

If there is, then the language of next week’s General Synod is not likely to be conducive to making any constructive advances on vital issues concerning women bishops or the covenant. And that would be a shame for both sides of the Church’s political spectrum, neither of which are remotely fascist.

Cif belief has as its Question of the Week: Will the covenant kill or cure?

Next week the Church of England’s General Synod will be asked to take an apparently momentous decision. Should it sign up to a formal, international, disciplinary process which would allow other churches a voice on whether it is truly Anglican or not? The proposed Anglican covenant is presented as a means to deepen unity within the Anglican Communion, but it will do so by strengthening discipline.

It has grown out of the schism of the last decade, and the desire of the conservatives to exclude, and have declared un-Anglican, and in fact un-Christian, the inclusion of of gay people on equal or comparable terms to straight ones. The question really does divide the church. Globally, there is a clear majority against it. In this country, there is probably a vague majority of Christians in favour, and certainly no strong sentiment for a purge of gay clergy. So why should the Church of England sign up to a document which can only be either another piece of toothless waffle, or something that one day will turn round and bite it, painfully?

We will link to each of the contributions in separate articles.

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“It (The Covenant) has grown out of the schism of the last decade, and the desire of the conservatives to exclude, and have declared un-Anglican, and in fact un-Christian, the inclusion of gay people on equal or comparable terms to straight ones. The question really does divide the Church. globally, there is a clear majority against it” – C.i.F. the Guardian – Well said, Guardian! And is this the real reason for erecting an Anglican Politburo? To ensure the integrity of the sort of people who want to draw near to God? – despite their isolation from their families and… Read more »

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