Thinking Anglicans

Archbishop of Canterbury in Rome

The Archbishop of Canterbury is on a pre-arranged visit to the Vatican to address a public conference to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the (then) Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. During his visit, the Archbishop granted an interview to Vatican Radio, the transcript of which can be read on his website.

Vatican Radio reports on the interview: Archbishop of Canterbury on ecumenism, the ordinariate and Pope’s UK visit. This report has links to audio of the interview in Real and mp3 formats.

Tim Ross at the Telegraph reports on part of the interview: Churches lose their vicars as Anglicans “jump ship” for Rome, warns Rowan Williams.

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14 years ago

“I don’t at all like, or want to encourage, the idea of a multi-tier organisation. But that would, in my mind, be preferable to complete chaos and fragmentation. It’s about agreeing what we could do together.”

“What we could do together” was decided at Dromantine & Dar-es-Salaam, when a significant number of grandstanding Global South primates refused to take communion with the Canadian & TEC primates from the ABC’s hands. A “multi-tier organization” can also be viewed as a Circle of Hell.

Ed Tomlinson
14 years ago

Cause and effect. Cause and effect

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

What Lapin said!

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“For the first time, the Archbishop suggested that worshipers (sic) who join the Ordinariate could be allowed to stay in their Anglican churches under a plan to let Roman Catholics share Church of England facilities.” – Tim Ross, in the Telegraph – This sounds like a problemaitc situation with regard to those in the remaining congregation who may not want to be forced to share their church space with defectors from the parish. Surely, the better way would be for the Roman Catholic Church to provde hospitality to the new breed os R.C.s in their own buildings? This would then… Read more »

David Malloch
David Malloch
14 years ago

Ron, I think much is going to depend on local situations. In many places ordinariate congregations will use RC Churches. But in some places other options will be explored. In particular, there are going to be cases where 80% or more of a congregation joins the ordinariate and this is going to have a serious effect on the small group remaining Anglican – especially if the Ordinariate group has the main financial givers or the key doers from the original parish. The small group will want to retain its parish church and the non-churchgoing local population will also wish to… Read more »

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith
14 years ago

Well said David Malloch! Fr Ron Smith is perhaps forgetting that there are already happy and successful Church-shares in operation, including RC/Anglican shares. Here in the inner-city, Churches are often used by other ecclesial groups on Sunday afternoons and pay for the use of an otherwise empty building. It would be perverse if the members of the Ordinariate were the only groups who could not use the buildings! Please find it in your heart, like the Archbishop, to be generous to those of us contemplating leaving the Church of our Birth.

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

“Cause and effect. Cause and effect”

That was the sum total of Ed Tomlinson’s post at 08:37 GMT.

I am tempted to respond simply “Potato and chips. Potato and chips,” but will instead ask if anyone has an idea what he is talking about?

14 years ago

Ed’s comment reminded me of the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon, where one of Skipper’s oft repeated lines is: “Cute and cuddly boys. Cute and cuddly.”

14 years ago

Jerry and Malcolm,

Maybe it’s like that old song “Sweet and Low”

Then again, maybe he’s decided to become Buddhist and is promulgating the main principals of karma.

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