Thinking Anglicans

Covenant – reactions to the synod debate

Updated Thursday

The No Anglican Covenant Coalition has published some Observations on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address and the Anglican Covenant Debate in the Church of England General Synod,November 2010 which are available here as a PDF, but also as a web page over here.

Colin Coward has published Anglican Covenant – dangerous progress in Synod? Or GAFCON statement – dangerous threat withdraws? and also Should LGBT Anglicans be more suspicious of the Covenant?

Adrian Worsfold has taken a rather lighter approach, first with Chadderbox on the Synod Vote and then with Proposal for the Communion.

Earlier, he was a bit more serious, see The Narrowing Church of England and Be Realistic .

And just today, he has also published Not Changing Attitude.

On Thursday, Colin Coward added What will the pattern of the Anglican Communion look like in 10 years time?

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14 years ago

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” Maybe TEC should join just so we could be kicked out.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“This statement (by GAFCON/FACA Group)rejects the Anglican Covenant, the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Primates Meeting, the Anglican Communion as it is presently constituted – and swathes of Anglican history, experience and tradition.” – Colin Coward, Inclusive Church – This latest rejection of Communion Fellowship by GAFCON follows on inexorably from the tenets of the Jerusalem Statement, issued earlier, which distanced the GAFCON Primates from the prevailing Instruments of the Communion, to which each of the Anglican Provinces have previously given allegiance, though at some times, with some reserve. GAFCON’s latest assault on the tradition of the Primates’… Read more »

Terence Dear
Terence Dear
14 years ago

Father Ron – The remaining Provinces of the Communion – including TEC and the A.C.of C. – will have to SIGN the Covenant first before they can re-draft it.

ruidh – Perhaps TEC should sign the Covenant in order to STOP people being kicked out.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“At the same time, there was no such thing as ‘gracious restraint’ on the part of the Border-Crossing Provinces of GAFCON into the territory of North America, into which they spawned ‘ACNA'”

Quite right. And Bp. Minns’ outfit has shown no ‘gracious restraint’ is persuing lawsuits that seek to steal property held in trust for TEC by the Diocese of Virginia. Nor have I heard anything from the ABC in condemnation of said attempted theft, or perhaps it was a very quiet one.

Perhaps we can look forward to a new video game: “Grand Theft Ecclesiastic.”

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