Thinking Anglicans

More about the forthcoming Primates Meeting

Updated again Monday morning

The meeting is scheduled to occur from 25 to 31 January, at the Emmaus Retreat Centre in Swords, near Dublin.

Peter Carrell who is a New Zealander has written an article for the American magazine, the Living Church entitled The Dubliners.

There are interesting comments, which include very useful links to statements from earlier primates meetings, at his own blog, over here.

(Peter has also written a series of posts on his own blog Who is an Anglican these days? starting here, and continuing here, and then here.)

The latest report in the Church of England Newspaper is reproduced here: Primates’ meeting to go ahead, despite threat of boycott.

Last Sunday, the Sunday Business Post reported Anglican meeting to go ahead despite boycott.

ACNS has published Archbishops’ prayers for the upcoming Primates’ Meeting in Dublin.

ACI has published an article, It’s Broken. Fix it!.

There is yet another interesting set of comments on that article at Anglican Down Under see here.

And Peter Carrell has given his own advice to Rowan Williams this Monday morning at What Should ++Rowan Do?

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14 years ago

As the primates are gathering in the Isle of the Blessed, perhaps they may learn a little history on the way and consider how power was ordered in the Church in/of Ireland in the early years subsequent to the conversion by St Patrick. Yes there is debate about the relative power of abbots and bishops, but it wasn’t so clear cut as these Lord Prince-Bishops would like us to believe.
From the wrath of the Danes [and all other foreigners]; Good LORD deliver us!

Michael Harnois
Michael Harnois
14 years ago

One Episcopal clergywoman of my acquaintance recently received a sample of the new, shiny Living Church. Upon perusing it she noted that there are no women involved with the magazine in any editorial or policymaking capacity. I don’t know if you use the idiom of “putting lipstick on a pig” over there…

Leonardo Ricardo
14 years ago

Some of this group of not-so-gentlemen, and they are men, refuse to take/celebrate Communion with other Anglicans–meanwhile bellyaching about how they´ve been plagued with ¨broken promises¨ as they attempt, year in and year out, to ¨poach/pounce¨ on the Anglican Church properties/persons of others and explain their predatory behavior as ¨Eccesisastical Protection¨ and other self-serving rationalized righteous nonsense–end of story, end this bold strident/un-Christianlike behavior/hypocrisy and let them join, pout or not, as they wish. Let them end their constant complaining regarding the basic decency of *others* at the Body of Christ and let them spend more time supervising their very… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

I fail to undrestand how those who refuse to participate in Anglican Communion meetings still claim to be members of that body, with the right to lecture other members on their following their own polity.

14 years ago

“ACI has published an article, ‘It’s Broken. Fix it!'”

Self-descriptive? ;-/

14 years ago

Self descriptive indeed! How could the ACI not be aware of the irony when they suggest the ABC and presiding bishop may be “manipulative and conniving”?!

A nasty piece of writing and a direct attack on the authority of Canterbury, also a veiled attempt to encourage mutiny over the Primates’ meeting as far as they dare.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

I’m very much with Leonardo here.
And with JCF in his/her description of the self
-analysis of ACI.

Question: When is an Anglican not an Anglican?
Answer: When he’s with GAFCON (or ACNA)

Marshall Scott
14 years ago

What a remarkable comment from the ACI crowd: the *real* problem is that the Archbishop of Canterbury won’t be persuaded to do what *we* want. QED, he is himself so magisterial in his attitude as to disqualify the meeting. It staggers the imagination. The piece itself is hollow. Should the Primates Meeting be considered a “council of the Church?” How could that be when, first, we have a communion, a *koinonia*, and not a church? When the Primates Meeting has, until recently (and then only by a few), been considered a gathering for reflection, and not rule? When the various… Read more »

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