Thinking Anglicans

Primates Meeting: Friday evening roundup

Ed Beavan has filed further reports (and photos) for the Church Times from Dublin: Primates’ Meeting, Dublin: updated reports. (Scroll down for his earlier report.)

The Guardian’s Riazat Butt has reported the Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement: Archbishop urges government to protect gay asylum seekers.

The Presiding Bishop of TEC has issued a statement, see PB statement on David Kato’s murder.

The official briefing from ACNS is Primates’ Meeting – Briefing #3

The BBC reports: David Kato funeral: Uganda priest berates gays. See also Box Turtle Bulletin here and Warren Throckmorton on Anti-gay reaction to David Kato’s death.

For reference, here is the Church of Uganda’s official statement of its position on the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill of 2009.

ENS also had a report: Episcopalians condemn murder of Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato.

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14 years ago

The ENS link does not seem to be working.

ED:Sorry, now fixed.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Re the unseemly behavior at David Kato’s funeral:when Fred Phelps and his band of harpies show up, there are now counter-demonstrators, people who try to shield the mourners from their hateful antics. I wish some had been there for David and his friends.

Susannah Clark
14 years ago

Reading the Church of Uganda’s statement is truly chilling, and I can only give thanks to God for those in the Anglican Communion like TEC who are unflinching in their courage and solidarity. Are we crazed or something, even *considering* that TEC rather than CoU should be sidelined or excluded? We start with a Bill which is horrifying by any standards, and the CoU opens by “associating” itself. *No-one* should ‘associate’ in any way with such a Bill or use words that lend credibility to it. They make clear that they are opposed to sexual orientation being respected as a… Read more »

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