Thinking Anglicans


Matt Idom writes in The Huffington Post about Worshiping God, Not the Bible.

Jane Williams continues her Comment is free belief series: The Book of Genesis, part 8: Why this story? “Genesis has shaped human history for generations, but it continues to offer new insights and raise new questions.”

Nick Spencer writes in The Guardian about Christianity: a faith for the simple. “Christianity’s founding ideals are anti-elitist – so should we be surprised if its followers are less educated than average?”

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about When mob bigotry is the spirit of the age.

Jill Hamilton writes in The Guardian about When sharing faith means sharing germs. “Baptism and the kissing of icons may raise health concerns, yet faith often trumps our modern obsession with hygiene.”

Christopher Howse writes for The Telegraph about Two days before the royal wedding.

Mark Vernon writes for The Guardian about Uncertainty’s promise. “Whether with science or religion, only by embracing doubt can we learn and grow.”

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Gerry Lynch
14 years ago

That Jill Hamilton article about hygeine is just a little odd. Do we have any record of diseases being spread by kissing of icons? It’s not a pratice I’m particularly keen on, but for reasons other than hygiene. Similarly, I doubt a dip in a river with elevated nitrate levels would do anyone a button of harm. It might do harm to fish and algae living in it permanently, but a quick total immersion is hardly going to be a problem. I remember being bamboozled by the obsession with hygiene beyond common sense when visiting Germany as a boy in… Read more »

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
14 years ago

“Wrestling with the tenants of Darwinism” — from Matt Idom’s otherwise well-written article.
Dear me! The Queen continues to be in danger of losing her English. It’s “tenets of Darwinism”. It’s the second or third time I’ve seen this particular Malapropism or eggcorn.
Thank you Giles Fraser for your comments, but with regard to Primate Orombi, I believe he stayed away not only because of GLBT issues, but because, on Its way to the 75th TEC General Convention in 2006, the Holy Spirit apparently tripped over someone’s foot, and settled into the body of … a woman, ++Jefferts-Schori! Oh, noooo!

14 years ago

Bravo, and a very hearty thanks to Giles Fraser. I hope this is very widely read.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

“Things are moving far too slowly”

Hear , hear !!

14 years ago

Nick Spencer “Christianity’s founding ideals are anti-elitist – so should we be surprised if its followers are less educated than average?”

Yes, the Gospel is very simple. But are the proudly anti-intellectual Fundamentalists really followers of that Gospel, or another (more congruent w/ Caesar)?

It’s an open question.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Some auto-correct functions in electronic devices have a limited vocabulary, and will malaprop at will, or so I am told. Maybe that’s where the ‘tenants’ came from. Spell check can also lead you astray if you are not vigilant. I also bet ‘tenants’ occurs more often in written texts than ‘tenets,’ thus causing a program to ‘prefer’ it.

14 years ago

According to, ‘tenet’ is one of the 100 most frequently mispronounced words. If one pronounces it ‘tenant’ it’s a short leap to misspelling it.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

” I must always remember, it is not through the bible that I am found. No, that is more about the one God I understand the bible to be revealing. And in that sense, it is more about honesty than anything else. God is the author of grace, not the bible. The bible reveals that grace, but can never dispense it. And as one reads the very real, very human struggles of biblical characters that, in all honesty, have the same failures and hang ups as the rest of us, we actually begin to see ourselves. Honestly.” – Matt Idom… Read more »

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