Thinking Anglicans

Primates Meeting: Irish church press

The Church of Ireland Gazette has this leading article:

Editorial: The Primates Meeting

It includes the following:

The Covenant, of course, is also being debated throughout the Communion. However, a forthcoming colloquium on the subject – being jointly hosted by the Church of Ireland journal, Search, and the Church of Ireland Chaplaincy at Trinity College Dublin – could open up a deeper debate on the subject than we in the Church of Ireland so far have had (

A big question about the Covenant is just what impact it would have on the Communion:

Would it help the Communion overcome its difficulties?

Would it make no difference?

Would it create new difficulties?

Whatever people’s views on the Covenant, the General Synod is due to reach a position on it next May.

When international bodies hold top-level meetings in one’s country, a great deal depends on the local organisers.

We conclude this brief comment on the Primates’ Meeting by paying tribute both to our own Primate for his role as host and to the Church of Ireland staff who helped to make the event happen.

The Gazette also has a front page story about US Presiding Bishop encourages congregation and country in Christ Church Cathedral sermon during Primates’ Meeting.

Referring to the Republic’s impending general election, the American church leader asked the congregation: “what hopes is this nation laying on its next Taoiseach? will your next prime minister be expected to solve the entire fiscal crisis in his or her first week of office? that person will take office overloaded with urgent desires for healing and resolving all the ills of this nation, or maybe even larger parts of the world.”

With this in mind, Dr Jefferts Schori asked the country to be gentle with its new leaders, “but not too gentle”.

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Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

“We conclude this brief comment on the Primates’ Meeting by paying tribute both to our own Primate for his role as host ….”

Apropos of nothing just a little mild amusement ….my neighbour just said:
“The Irish Primate is English, The Scottish Primate is Irish, the English Primate is Welsh only Wales has an indigenous leader! ”

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

The Church of Ireland Gazette’s take on the outcome of the Primates’ Meeting in Dublin holds out hope of a more eirenic future for the ‘Unity in Diversity’ ethos of Provincial Primates who were present and willing to remain in the Communion. Despite the nay-sayers of the GAFCON consortium – whose absence enabled a more honest discussion of common aims and objects of mission, as well as honest recognition of remaining difficulties on issues of gender and sexuality – there appears to have been a dedicated willingness to work together on these and other issues of even greater importance in… Read more »

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