Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – more reports

The detailed reports in today’s Church Times are only available to subscribers until a week today. But meanwhile this summary by Ed Thornton can be read by all: Synod wrestles with an England that no longer understands.

The Church Mouse looks at what the media decided to publish about the Synod: General Synod in the media – when there are no splits to dig into.

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Laurence C.
Laurence C.
14 years ago

“Referring to Dame Mary Warnock, who recently argued that faith had no part to play in moral discourse, Dr Sentamu said: “From where she stands, religion and morality must be prised apart.” This, he said, was “false prophesy, and potentially fatal to our social fabric”.” I see Sentamu trots out the old chestnut that one cannot be moral without being religious. Does he have any idea how offensive and smug that sounds to people who are NOT religious? – and that’s without considering the immorality inherent in his representing a church that discriminates against people on grounds of sexuality and… Read more »

14 years ago

Does England perhaps struggle with a synod that no longer understands?

My impression from frequent visits and from clergy friends, is that the church lives in its own bubble and is at least perceived as being out of touch with the reality that the people live with.

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