Thinking Anglicans

New Zealand earthquake

updated Friday

I am sure that readers of this blog having been following the story of the devastating earthquake that struck Christchurch in New Zealand on Tuesday this week.

The websites of Christchurch Diocese and Cathedral have photographs and news.

And here are a few media stories with a particular Anglican slant.

Brent Wittmeier in the Edmonton Journal (Canada) Former Edmonton bishop safe

The New Zealand Herald No survivors in cathedral after earthquake – police

Marites N Sison in the Anglican Journal (Canada) ‘Pray for confidence that God will see us through’

Mary Frances Schjonberg for Episcopal News Service (USA) New Zealand Anglicans begin to pick up the pieces

BBC World Service Dean of Christchurch Cathedral on New Zealand quake and New Zealand: Fears after Christchurch cathedral tower collapse

Nine News (Australia) NZ quake destroyed ‘symbol of hope’

Marc Greenhill in The Age (Australia) Pianist survives collapse

Friday Update

Dan Parker at 3 News (New Zealand) Cathedral a symbol of Christchurch survival

Mary Frances Schjonberg for Episcopal News Service (USA) New Zealand Anglicans assess damage, reach out to others

Ed Beavan, Muriel Porter, Australia Correspondent and Helen Saxbee in the Church Times ‘Sense of despair’ as buildings collapse in NZ earthquake

St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow, which is an almost exact twin of the cathedral which has been damaged in Christchurch, is holding a benefit concert on Monday evening, 28 February.

The Diocese of Christchurch has this Respite Accommodation & Quake Appeal.

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Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

I’ve been in a state of denial I realize. Reading this has shocked me.

Seeking to hold all there in the Light.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Thank you for posting these stories. This morning CNN said 80% of the city had no water. Prayers for all of them.

robert Ina Williams
robert Ina Williams
14 years ago

I do hope our Ron and Diana Smith are ok?

The city centre church he serves was badly smashed up and will have to be demolished.

Old Father William
Old Father William
14 years ago

Yes, Fr. Ron and his family have been very much on my mind since I heard the news. I hope that we hear from him soon.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
14 years ago

I, too, wish to add my prayers for the people of Christchurch.
May God secure the rescuers’ efforts, may the ill be healed, and may the dead rest in peace.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

Thanks for mentioning Ron + Diana, Robert.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Thank you, Robert for your concern. Yes, we are OK, and have managed to have our first shower since the quake struck. We now have limited water supplies (Though this has to be boiled for consumption) and power is back on. We are just 2 miles down the road from the City Centre, which is harder hit than the september 2010 Quake. The Anglican Cathedral still has possibly 22 people trapped in the fallen tower, and there are still many people missing – both local and tourists. So we live from day to day, thanking God for small and large… Read more »

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
14 years ago

So glad to hear you are OK, Ron, and that St Michaels and All Angels is not too badly damaged. I guess it is testimony to the foresight of the early parishioners when they decided to build the church out of wood! I’m sure it bent and buckled in the quake, but stayed intact, unlike the poor old Cathedral and St Lukes.
Much love from Auckland

Rosemary Hannah
Rosemary Hannah
14 years ago

So sad over what has happened, and so glad you, Ron, are OK.

robert Ian Williams
robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Christchurch has died…Christchurch will rise again!

John Roch
John Roch
14 years ago

Ron – I have assumed your OK for including your Thursday post (with proper attribution) in tomorrow morning’s service paper here in north Sheffield.


Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Latest new from the Quake-zone is that 145 are dead – with maybe another 50 to be recovered – that really does seem to cover the missing total.

There are various house Masses being celebrated quietly around the community, and we feel intimately connected with each of them – and with you lovely people who are praying on our behalf at this time of trial. We thank God for the Living and pray for the Departed. Agape, Fr.Ron

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